Yes I’m doing it again

I decided to join the Women of the bible study again and sew the blocks too, now in 6”

Also, because my friend and I are starting the study with a few ladies from church and meeting every other Friday, then afterwards we can do some crafty hand work or whatever we want to fellowship a bit 🙂

This is Eve!

I picked pretty much the same colors as the pattern, green for the grass, light green for the paths leading to the center of the garden, bright yellow for the sun, then I chose to do red for the middle to show the SIN!

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden

Gen 3:8


For the block I used fabrics from Island Batik and will do that for all the blocks and probably a black setting/ sashing at the end.


I’ve also done a bit more EPP with tiny hexies using left over scraps from Connecting threads’ fabrics.


AND I got two new dies from Accuquilt, a mini tumbler and the ohio star block, time to get my thinking cap on!


meanwhile I’ve also been doing some Round Robin things with orphan blocks from my guild

I used the Go dies for the rounds on all 3 (the 3rd is by the sewing machine)


And look what I saw a target last week! I want these PJs…..


7 thoughts on “Yes I’m doing it again”

  1. Love your Eve block and I can sure understand why you'd like the PJs. They are fabulous.

  2. I have a friend who just finished Women of the Bible. Its gorgeous. Love love love those Pj's. I think a trip to Target is in order!

  3. I haven't started mine yet, but I love the Women of the Bible quilt – and I think it will be great in 6 inch blocks! I hinted to my girls that I want those PJ's for a Christmas present…hope they listened.

  4. Oh I already sent the pic of the PJ's off to my Mom and Daughter for Christmas ideas for me : ) I want to do women of the bible one day. Good luck with your second one.

  5. Love the women of the Bible quilting idea. Where can I find more information??

  6. Sowing Stitches

    Most definitely headed to Target today!!! And I saw that there is an art supply set also ~ I may never wear clothes again…at home…I know what I will be wearing when I sew on these coming cold winter days! ;)And your Women of the Bible Block looks GREAT!

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