Yellow RSC16 blocks

It was good to do a day of sewing yesterday, even though I had to get Bjorn from school because he didn’t feel good- sore throat (I had that a few days ago, so not surprised)

Tuesday afternoon we had friends visit who live in S.FL they do trade shows all over the eastern states and on their way home they were going to stop and stay with us for a few days, but because of the hurricane they only stayed a few hours and left to go home and board up their house and help family members too! Pray they all stay safe.

(They’ll be back up here in November)

So anyways, I sewed blocks yesterday, here’s one for the women of the bible quilt- this is wise Woman of Abel.

Again I made it in batiks from Island Batik



Then I made a yellow hunter star block for RSC16


and two 12” Ohio star blocks in yellow


and I realized that I was done with them now! 20 all done and mixed around, now I just have to sew them into a quilt top that will be 48” x 60” without a border


I’m expecting two packages from Accuquilt this week!!

can’t wait Smile

2 thoughts on “Yellow RSC16 blocks”

  1. blocks look so good together as a quilt. Women of the Bible lock appealing, I have told myself no BOMs etc next year but do my WOB quilt instead and concentrate on that

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