Would you want another QAL

Since we finished the last farm sampler QAL, I don’t have my “Monday posts” and I’m sort of itching for another QAL!

Are you??

What kind of QAL would you like?

One of my current sampler patterns?

We could do the 50 states one

I could even offer a KIT

another one we did a while ago was Jumbled

and kit

Or the mini sampler (which you can make in ANY size if you have the QUBE sets!)

and kit

Then recently we did Rising Star

and KIT

Or we can do a pattern or a MYSTERY pattern where I don’t show anything until the end (kind of like Bonnie Hunter does?)

What do you think?


4 thoughts on “Would you want another QAL”

  1. Shelly Gische

    Dear Bea, I am ready to start another QAL. I have done all of them with you. I’m fine doing a mystery. I also like when you incorporate the coordinating dies 9-16, gives it a little interest and challenge. Let’s do some difficult blocks that we haven’t done before. I’m ready, can you see my smile? In fact, right now, I am stippling “The Pasture”. I have the binding cut, ready to go.
    Thanks for doing this, makes Mondays important.

  2. Marla Wilson

    Hi Bea, I would love to join you for a QAL! I am participating in my first ever mystery quilt/QAL, and while I am enjoying it, I really prefer patterns where I know I can use Accuquilt. My rotary cutting is not very accurate, so I’d love to be able to use my dies.

  3. Betty Davies

    I have loved doing the QAL with you over the past few years. I credit you and your QAL’s with teaching me the Accuquilt system, and basically how to quilt!! Finished the Farmers Life one with adaptations – ended up placing on point, and used scrappy civil war fabrics – my favorite quilt to date!!! Would love to do another QAL!! Could you make it easier to post pictures for those doing the QAL? The method for posting seemed cumbersome – maybe because I am an old lady, and sometimes the “techy” stuff just doesn’t compute! Was always fun to see others progress when we posted to Accuquilt Qube Quilts. Thanks again for all you do for quilting and Accuquilt. FYI made what I call the tie die quilt for my son. – even added some Grateful Dead bears on the border – he treasures that quilt. Has had numerous offers to purchase!!!

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