Women of the bible quilt is done!

I’ve been finishing up the blocks for the women of the bible quilt and still the blocks are 3.5” so 3” done.

This one is the Widow with 2 coins

2015-04-27 010

This is Mary Magdalene ( I didn’t do Dresden pieces just one big appliquéd piece)

2015-04-27 004

This is Dorcas

2015-04-27 005

This is Lydia (the star in the middle was supposed to be wedges too but I simplified because it’s so small)

2015-04-27 006 

and this last block is Priscilla

2015-04-27 011

Now look at the pile of mini blocks!

2015-04-28 001

I added 1/2” sashing in white all the way around the blocks and a 2.5” border

2015-05-05 001 

The finished quilt is about 25” x 35”, looks like a doll quilt- might give it to Sonja but I really wanted to hang it up on my wall here so I can look at it every day 🙂

It has been a great study and thanks to Carol for doing it.

You can find the pattern/yahoo group at patterns of faith here

This was my 2nd round of doing this study and honestly I didn’t READ it as much as I should, I just did the blocks mostly, but it’s still fun and nice to read and learn something about each woman in the bible thru this study, I recommend it to anyone…

6 thoughts on “Women of the bible quilt is done!”

  1. My hat is off to you – Amazing 3" blocks. Turned out beautiful. I have a time with 6" blocks. I made my WOB with 9" blocks – it is the next on my list to quilt – really anxious to finish it.

  2. You did a great job adapting some of those blocks to make them achievable in such a small size. I love the colors you used and the way you put them all together. It's beautiful. I hope you DO hang it on a wall where it can be enjoyed and appreciated.

  3. Amazing! I know I'll never do it in that size! =) Maybe the third time through, you concentrate on reading? =)

  4. SewMisadventurous

    I think that your finished quilt is just beautiful Bea and I also think that doing something as fiddly as this, properly deserves the title "A labour of love!". Even though you felt as if you didn't fully devote as much study as you'd like, you did read some (for the second time around),and I bet you thought about each woman's story as you sewed each teeny tiny block. Is this piece usable in a real world sense? Could it be used as a baby's car seat blanket maybe? if it's too small for the cot? after all you have months to admire it as a wall hanging before it needs to be pressed into service, lol. Either way it's another job well and truly done.

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