Which one should I make?

I know I just posted, but I want your input.

I am getting 1yd of each of these HEART AND HOME by Benartex.

so what should I make?

You have seen all these layouts before, but here they are again with JUST this line.

#1 uses also black and white solids

#2 also used black and white solids, and I changed the borders

#3 also added black and white

#4 just changed the sashing to solid black

#5 has a different border

#6 another border where JUST 1yd is used for each

#7 a sampler quilt added black

#8 added white

#9 birds, added white and black

#10 wonky log cabins

#11 crosses or X’s

#12 kaleidoscope flowers

Which one would you pick?

My 2 favorites are # 2 or 11

26 thoughts on “Which one should I make?”

  1. Crickets Corner

    You really want to make this hard don't you. I keep going back to #11. I think it shows off the fabrics really well. Good luck on picking one.

  2. I think you should have bought more fabric. They are all cute designs. I lean towards 2, 5, and 6.SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  3. Difficult choice but I like #2, #5 & #11. I really like the black sashing in #2.

  4. I read and chose which I liked before seeing your thoughts. It appears we have the same taste because I chose one of yours you liked most. I couldn't narrow it down to less than two and those are:#7 a sampler quilt added black#10 wonky log cabins

  5. ummm, I'm not much help… 9, 10, 11, 12 are my faves. Is your goal to feature the line? That was my guess, so that's why I chose those quilts. What ever you do is goingn to be great!

  6. I like #2 also and the idea of #12 but not with the fabrics as they are depicted. Perhaps with a little change up, that one could be interesting. Good luck choosing.

  7. Fabric Quilt Shop

    I love #6 and #12 but I think I would just have to close my eyes and pick one because they are all so great.

  8. Hello Bea. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. :-)I liked your design 9 an 11 best, I think. The black borders my be too dominant to the rest, if you understand.

  9. Great fabrics and I like #2 and #12! Thanks for sharing.Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

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