When pigs fly blog hop

What a fun theme for a blog hop!

I know what WIPS are (works in progress), UFOs (Unfinished objects) but PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) I never heard of!

I always work on several projects at a time and rarely do I have projects that linger for months or years- unless they are EPP which are more for travel projects or for working on outside while the kids are playing outside or for car rides.

So for this PIG hop, I was thinking about literal PIGS!!!

In my shop I have this cute farm animal fabric by MMF and I wanted to use the PIGS on there!

I cut out 2 pieces from a scrap piece I had on my shelf, and a piece with JUST the piggies measured 3″ x 4″ and cut out 2, one in reverse (that’s how the print was on another part of the fabric)

then I added 2″ black borders on both

quilted them on scrap pieces of batting

and can you guess what I decided to make? a Zippered pouch! so I trimmed the quilted piggy pieces, cut out 2 brown matching pieces (6″ x 7″) and found a zipper that sort of matched. (Years ago I bought a big bag of assorted 20″ zippers on Amazon for real cheap and those zippers have come in handy!!)

I always have to THINK about the construction of zippler bags, the first step is the place the zipper right wide DOWN on the top edge of the front and sew across -with the zipper pull out of the way.

then on the same size of the zipper, I placed the lining fabric right side down and sewed across the same seam ( I could have done it at one time, but I like it this way to take pictures and also to double check everything, plus it’s a small pouch so no much time lost!)

This is what it looks like

then I flipped it around and tugged the lining out of the way and added the other piggy piece to the other side of the zipper in the same way

and lining

Now here’s an important part, to UNZIP the zipper half way!!

Then sew everything right sides together, the front pieces are right sides together and the lining pieces are right sides together and I left the bottom with an opening for turning.

I trimmed the corners then started turning right side out and at this point I had to unzip the zipper all the way (the zipper is on the inside because this shows the lining first) then pull everything right side out.

I sewed the lining opening closed on the machine, then tucked it back inside the pouch

and VOILA! it’s done! It turned out to be a cute coin purse or for small items like that.

I think the theme for this hop is also to use scraps so I figured I’d show how I store my scraps and WIPS!

I have shown these pictures before of my studio, but some of you might not have seen them….. Anyways I have a pretty big studio/craft room, it’s a room above our garage.

One of my “favorite” things in here is my ironing board, it’s a wire shelf unit from the hardware store at half the height, then a board on top which is pretty deep and pretty wide too, it’s covered in batting and fabric and once in a while I just staple another layer of fabric on top to make it pretty again- right now I had to rip off several layers because there was a hole and it was just really thin….. Underneath I have shelves with plastic bins (I think they are scrapbook bins), on the top shelf I have bins with current projects- WIPS! underneath I have bins with cut out pieces from different QUBE sets or selvedge edges etc.

A few years ago I bought these white cabinets from IKEA and they are extra deep and with doors, AWESOME FOR STORAGE!!

I kept one set open for my fabrics, shoeboxes with scraps inside sorted by color, then on the right side I have quilt tops waiting to be quilted (and I have a white dry erase board where I keep track of the top sizes, batting sizes, backing sizes and if the binding is made)

below the tops I have my fabric stash and it’s actually smaller than this now! and then long arm threads and a bin with binding already made for the tops

In the “closets” I have Accuquilt dies and lots of other things

I have a bin for leftover binding strips, which I often use to make coiled baskets to sell or give away!

I love being organized in my studio, it CAN get messy sometimes but it’s easy to clean up because everything has a HOME!

How about you? are you organized in your studio? Do you have a favorite storage tip? I’d love to know!!

Here’s the rest of the participants in this OINKY hop!!

Thanks again to Joan for hosting it!

Monday June 19


Quilting Gail

Songbird Designs

Quilt Schmilt

Words & Stitches


Tuesday June 20

Quilted Delights

Ms P Designs USA

Selena Quilts

Just Because Quilts

Stitching Farm Girl

Bumbleberry Stitches

Wednesday June 21



Days Filled with Joy

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Podunk Pretties

Texas Quilt Gal

Thursday June 22

Just Let Me Quilt

Karrin’s Crazy World



The Quilted Snail

21 thoughts on “When pigs fly blog hop”

  1. Cute little pig pouch, Bea! That fabric is perfect for this hop. Your studio is a quilter’s dream…thanks for sharing the pics!

  2. The pouch is really cute, thanks for the tute! I’m looking forward to using that piggy fabric from my first subscription with you. LOVE your studio – especially the photo with flag on the wall! 😀 – and what a clever ironing board. You have a great storage system – I envy your space.

  3. I love your little piggy pouch. That fabric is just adorable. My sewing room doesn’t look nearly as neat as yours does. I clean and put things away, then before you know it, it’s a mess again. LOL!!

  4. Cute pouch–love the pigs! I really enjoyed seeing your studio. Those cabinets from IKEA are awesome–just what I need (besides the table I want for my sewing machine… Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow!! Your studio is so fantastic!! What I’d give for a studio that had room for that large quilting frame. You are the queen of organization so it’s neat to know that you actually have a few UFOs. 🙂 The pigs are the cutest and couldn’t be better than to use them for your bag.

  6. Cute pouch Bea and I always love seeing photos of your quilt studio! My ironing board setup is similar to yours and I think it is time for me to replace the fabric since I just moved into my new quilt studio.

  7. Those pigs are SEW cute! Your studio space is amazing, and organized too. I also prefer to work in an organized space, so I try to clear up my messes each time I finish for the day.

  8. I loved seeing inside your studio. It seems like an ideal, roomy space for you, and I see now how you do so many projects. That little pouch is really cute, and it was interesting to see how they’re made, as I’ve never made one.

  9. Kathleen McCormick

    The piggy pouch is adorable and your sewing room is awesome. Your organization is fabulous – and one of the reasons you get so much done!

  10. Your little pigs are flying! They are so dang cute. Great idea turning them into a purse. I really like your interpretation of this challenge. My 2 craft rooms are a total disaster most of the time. I have found that when my rooms are too tidy I don’t work well because I don’t want to mess them up.

  11. Oh those piggies are soooo cute!! And your sewing room!!! I want to visit! Thank you for sharing such loveliness with us! xx

  12. Such cute PIG fabric and a gorgeous pouch you have made. I love those ones where you can sew them like that, with no exposed seams throughout. You have an amazing sewing space which seems so well organised!

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