What’s your superpower blog hop

What a FUN theme, but I must say I was stumped!

I don’t have a Superpower!


No, I’m an okay mommy I think, we can always be better right?

I’m not trying to be a downer, I’m just not the type to go out and say HEY look at me!!

and after this week, I’m honestly NOT feeling SUPER at all.

I’ve had two sad and scary things happen to me and my family earlier this week.


HA!! nope…. I should more say house wife… forget it, I’d rather quilt…

My house is always untidy and toilet not scrubbed, but it’s hard when you have 3 kids and want to quilt right??? now my house is not THAT bad, not like HOARDERS!! have you see that show??


I try to be the best I can, but we are all sinners…




Now these last 3, some of you may say that I am… I’m still learning embroidery, by hand or machine, I love them all.

Super quilter? like before, I can always be better, but I LOVE quilting and sewing and anything related to it, and being published in magazines, maybe I’m more “super” than others, but really I think it’s just a matter of design and trying to get yourself out there a bit and build relationships.

I’m very Blessed that I can do what I do, and blogging is my creative outlet “door” to show my “stuff” in the world Smile

Okay, enough babbling.

Want to see my project?

Again after my notes above I still didn’t find my SUPERPOWER, so what do you do when you don’t know what else to say??



I made a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious pin cushion.

2014-04-08 001

And my little inspector checked that it was SUPER!

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2014-04-08 007

Here it is with some pins in it.

2014-04-08 009

I embroidered it in bright colors on solid white and used scraps of batiks from island batiks for the border and backing and stuffed it with crushed walnut shells.

Here’s more bloggers today showing their superpowers!

And thanks to Pauline and Mdm Samm for organizing this.


Just Let me Quilt


Living with Purpose

The Quilting Queen Online Blog

Words and Stitches

Beaquilter (me)


So what’s my superpower? I don’t know.. do you? what’s yours?

61 thoughts on “What’s your superpower blog hop”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I don't have super powers either – we all keep learning as we go thru life and each stage of our lives brings another learning curve. BUT I do love your pincushion and if you need to feel super – sing the song!

  2. I felt the same way but the pin cushion is SUPER! And now I'll be humming that silly song!

  3. Teresa in Music City

    Ha! I have no super powers!!! The more I thought I might, the more I learned I definitely did not LOL!!! But it's okay… those superheroes have to jump from tall buildings and spin the world around the other way and scary things like that. I think we are better off being SUPER at just being ourselves every day to everyone 🙂 Thanks for being a Super friend Bea!

  4. Your pincushion is wonderful! Reading your blog daily, I think you have more Super Powers, or is that Superpowers, then you think, always sew busy. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Well I think you are pretty super, You have the ability to bring the world to a halt with the wonderful projects you make and create. I'm always fascinated by the things you've produced and shared with the quilting community, and if that isn't a Super Power, I don't know what is. 🙂 Hugs!!

  6. I maybe have some super powers too, but for the moment I don´t know. I love your way to solve it and I have enjoyed your posting very much.Your pincushion is super cuteHave a great weekendHugs from Sweden

  7. I think a list of super powers is just right. You sound like you have things under control. I love your pin cushion and the inspector.(Happy with my Google+ profile)valspierssews

  8. I love Mary Poppins & cann't wait for my DgD to see it. Saving Mr. Banks was wonderful too! Those letters on the pincushion must be teensy……

  9. Just darling! I think many of us have a hard time calling ourselves "super" at anything. Great job!

  10. I think you are a super cool person… and we are all super in our own way. Love your pincushion!

  11. great pinnie and your super powers came through….I don;t think you had a hard time at all…you are super everything…relish it.

  12. krislovesfabric

    Love this little pinnie! The colors are beautiful…you are a super pinnie maker!! We are all trained to not toot our own horns, I know…but you are super at all the things you mentioned, I am sure!

  13. Purl Buttons

    Cute! It was the first thing I saw on my Pinterest feed today! Good job!

  14. Cute, cute, cute pincushion! For such a long and crazy word, I think we all know how to say it or sing it …I love Mary Poppins! Great superpower project!

  15. Your little embroidered pin cushion is adorable!! It would be such a joy to sew with!I can't reveal my superpower until the last day of the hop! See you then!

  16. What a SUPER idea! Trying to spell that word, let alone figure out the spacing for the pincushion, I think makes you SUPER! Thanks for sharing.

  17. I think you show your superpowers every day in all the things you do and ways you show care! Wonderful little pincushion!

  18. Quilt n Queen

    A supercalifragilisticexpialidocious post Bea…a fun interpretation of the word 'superpower'. Cute pin cushion and an adorable inspector! Thanks for revealing your superpowers!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  19. Well, I don't still know what my superpower is, but I love your project, ach, so nice!!! Great idea!!!

  20. JanesQuilting

    That was a great idea, the pincushion. And I think everyone knows that word. I am sure you have MANY superpowers and you just don't want to admit it. It is hard to compliment yourself. We would rather compliment others.

  21. Charlene McCain

    Your project made me smile and want to go rent Mary Poppins. I love that movie! Adorable pincushion!

  22. Lorene Holbrook

    oh you brought back so many memories! thank you! My youngest would watch Mary Poppins before school, after school and if I let her all weekend for months!!!! love the pin cushion!

  23. Love your pin cushion and will be singing that darn song all weekend. Great job.

  24. That is one of my very favorite words ever. It does encompass your SuperPowers quite well. Thank you sew very much for Hopping and sharing…

  25. Julia Plunkett

    Cute pincushion! I'd have to say that your superpower is the gift of words most especially humorous witty words!

  26. I'm showing my superpower on Monday so you will have to wait, your forgot to add superpatternmaker to your list. and you are also a great speller, supercali…oh never mind 🙂

  27. Love the pincushion….and you DO have a super powerful super power!!! SUPER CREATIVITY!!…. You are able to leap "outside the box" in a single bound (really hard for most folks), creatively solves problems at the speed of light, willing and able to brighten strangers days with fun projects, and does all this with a wonderful sense of humor!

  28. StitchinByTheLake

    Now I'm going to sing that song all day! I love your pincushion – you should make those to sell. I bet you'd get some takers! blessings, marlene

  29. MooseStashQuilting

    Your just gonna make us sing that goofy song all day long now aren't you? We all have super something powers even though we can't always see them! I'm sure you super at all you do! 😉

  30. I couldn't come up with anything, so I laid this blog hop out. At least you came up with some ideas. That is such a cute pin cushion. You definitely have superpowers in creativity!

  31. Cute…and I love that word. What lovely tiny stitches you did which must mean you definitely have embroidery as a superpower. Blessings.

  32. Love your colorful pincushion. Looks like your cute little inspector loves it too.

  33. Yours is absolutely pincushion making!! I adore my little handbag, and the one in your post is really fun. xx

  34. Just Quilt It

    I guess we are all super at something, but we need someone else to point it out to us. Love your pin cushion.

  35. I think you do too have lot of super powers! Keeping up with Littles is super duper pwers! Love your Super pin cushion. Really cute idea!xo jan

  36. I think you do too have lot of super powers! Keeping up with Littles is super duper pwers! Love your Super pin cushion. Really cute idea!xo jan

  37. I love your comments. I think all Christians would like to be better. I have to remember that He doesn't ask us to be perfect. Your craft work is wonderful – I would call it super. The pin cushion is fabulous and I'm glad it passed inspection. Thanks for participating.

  38. I just love your pin cushion. You are Super at being you, being true to yourself and not trying to be someone that others expect you to be.

  39. How cool! My daughters want your pillow so may have to end up borrowing your super idea!! You did a wonderful job and I thank you for being a part of this hop 🙂

  40. What a clever idea! I don't think I could have even begun to spell that let alone make a pincushion showcasing it, LOL. Cute little helper on hand to let you she approves.

  41. Quilter Kathy

    You are SUPER at all these things and more! LOVE your pin cushion… so creative!

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