
I had to squeeze in this blog post and post others to later dates (I have all of March blog posts filled already and I know there will be more I need to push out)

Well what are you gonna do when you HAVE to be at home? Sew of course!

Last Saturday I taught a small quilting class at our church, I had cut out 3 different kits and got the ladies started on the quilts as they will be donation quilt for a pregnancy support center locally.

Here’s the kits I made and two of them I’m turning into patterns soon.

One of the girls brought this nifty bag for her sewing machine (though she had bought it for something else, but how cool is that?)

And then I got home and it was announced that you can’t gather for 50 or more people so church got cancelled for all of March. And then it all went downhill!

at first I wasn’t freaking out, but since everyone were panicking how can we not?? This was Walmart’s TP section- all gone!

I’ve gone back twice now and the second time I figured I’d try some new canned things- I’ve never tried SPAM! but I’m actually making a project for Michael Miller soon with their SPAM fabrics, so I figured I HAVE to try this stuff!

The world also can’t go around without coffee! I never heard of this before, but it’s very good! (I’m ignoring that it has artificial flavoring)

The back of the box is funny 😉

another trip to Food lion and many meats were gone, the manager was filling the meats and he was very stressed, saying they weren’t getting deliveries anymore, though walmart said they were, so who knows what to believe??

of course their TP section was empty too!

At least I’ve had some happy mail!

The new nautical and camper dies from Accuquilt (because when I worked on the quilts for them, I had “test” dies and had to return those and wait for the NEW dies)

It’s fun to see my patterns on the back of the dies!!

We had dentist appointments this week that both got cancelled, no school of course and now the kids have to learn to study from home! my older two have already done a bunch online but Sonja hasn’t yet, she is great at games online and other things, but not directly school work, but it’ll be fine.

The biggest change is my husband working from home, he had to make a makeshift office and doing computer tech support online is tricky and our internet is not the best, so now kids can’t do YouTube while he’s working and we all have to adjust to this new normal.

I have plenty of fabrics to work with and ordered more for a project for Accuquilt and for a Wedding present, but now that wedding has been postponed too…..

and I was supposed to attend a craft show in April too (actually one in May too) but the April one got cancelled.

I had made so many cute things too! but oh well, they’ll go in bins for another show!

Anja adopted these two… a Mommy and baby owl.

Stay home and stay safe and HEALTHY!!


I’ve just added a coupon code to my shop patterns!


will get you 20% off any of my PDF patterns

Expires 4/30/20!


I still don’t know what to think about it all…….

You can be all cynical and think two opposite extremes.

One, that it’s just a mass media hysteria who’s out to get our President, but so far he’s doing great I think and treating it like a CEO would, getting advisors to do their jobs and keep the country going, that it’s just a mild flu, so what’s all the fuss??

Or Two, that it’s Biochemical warfare from the Chinese (or?) who’s had enough and are crippling and killing everyone without firing a weapon! Then a new order can roll in, we won’t have food, school, work, have to stand in line at the store to get rations like the 2. World war or certain countries even now!?

Either way, we’re all being controlled and have to get used to a new “normal” 🙁


4 thoughts on “Well…..”

  1. LOVE some of your new patterns especially the one with the four patches and strips going diagonal. I’m not sure if it has a name yet.

    Our church was online this past Sunday. They ordered equipment to do a drive-in style church this weekend. I can’t wait to go to church in my truck. I better get there early instead of the regular time because I think it’s going to be packed! LOL.

    Keep calm and quilt on. You didn’t mention if you had to home school or not yet. I started it right away because I didn’t want my kid to get too comfortable of not having school. Spring break is next week. We will take a little time to play outside.

  2. We are certainly living in a crazy time. My approach is to not hoard and have confidence in our supply chain in America. If we all buy at a normal level, buying what we need vs hoarding, the store shelves will remain full. Hoarding just takes away from others and many are living p aycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to hoard. Or, there are some who can’t afford to hoard but are charging and are going to have problems making payments. We may not have the food we really want, but we won’t starve if we all stay calm. Obviously, I have confidence in America and believe the right people are doing the right things to keep us safe and secure.

  3. I haven’t seen beef or chicken at the store in over a week. Our Spam is out, too (by the way, lots of way to cook it). Illinois is shutting down the state tomorrow. I’m one of the few that will still be working, since home health care workers are still needed. We’ll see how long that lasts. My son is hoping to get his old job back (stocking at a grocery store), since they really need more stockers these days.

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