Want to join another round of Pin cushion swaps?

pin cushion swap 2014 lg

Who’s up for another round on pin cushion swaps??

we’ll start again April 1st and run for 2 months, so until the end of May.

Each month, you’ll be assigned a person to send a pin cushion to.

There may be some info about her, i.e. favorite color, quilting style etc.

You then have to MAKE her a pin cushion and send it to her by the end of the Month- so SHE receives it by the end of the month.

Email her and CC me on the email when it’s on the way, when it’s received send me a picture or a link to a picture so I can put it on my pin cushion PAGE.

Have a look there’s been SEW many cute pin cushions made.

Here’s just a few fun ones!

So who wants to join??

It’s always fun to get a squishy package in the mail!!

And having 2 month rounds are good to TRY, then you can drop or add and it’s not a BIG commitment, though there’s several that have been doing it with me since the beginning!

6 thoughts on “Want to join another round of Pin cushion swaps?”

  1. please add me to the list. these are so much fun and I never relize there were that many different pin cushionsPam G

  2. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts

    Such cute pincushions! I won't join but, I'll be watching to see what lovelies are traded. 🙂

  3. SewMisadventurous

    I'd really love to join in a pin cushion swap. Am I too late for the April/May one, and are there any requirements I need to fulfill before I'm allowed to participate? I've never done this before as I've just discovered this massive and vibrant community of Sewers on line. I signed up to your blog today, I'd appreciate if you could let me know what happens now? Many Thanks.

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