Video Wednesday

I’m going to try something new, well sort of….

I want to get more quilting videos out on YouTube!! So I’ve uploaded a few in the last 2 weeks but I still need to edit them differently but it’s a learning process, and I’ve tried to get Bjorn or Solveig to help me over the years but they’ve been SO busy with school stuff, now Sonja is getting into doing her own goofy videos (she doesn’t post online-yet) but she MIGHT edit my videos, once I have a system down and know what I want.

This is a start at least, I’d LOVE to get more subscribers so I can monetize my channel too! I was close years ago but then THEY made a big update and changed the requirements and then suddenly I was nowhere near close, but now I am, I need 1000 subscribers and I’m and almost 900 but there’s something about the watch/view time too so, please if you watch, watch the whole thing, though it’s only 2 min I think….. but every bit helps and you can look at other videos too.

This was my “All Tied Up” quilt pattern and I custom quilted it and recorded it.

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