Two customer quilts

I finished two customer quilts this week

Elizabeth had given me another triangle quilt to work on and this time I did more custom work.

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It was “easier” than the baby quilt because every other block had a skinny yellow border and every other had a wider blue border, so I quilted the same in each block type.

The “fat” blocks I did a swirl on the outside and curves on the inside.

The skinny block I did bubbles on the outside and straight lines on the inside.

The “tricky” part was to connect them all without breaking the thread all the time.

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On some blocks the quilting shows up a lot, on some it’s more hidden.

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This is the back of the quilt.

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And the border I did a double swirly design.

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Another quilt I did was Kim’s T-shirt quilt

(Sonja is showing it off and talking about the designs)

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As with most T-shirt quilts, a basic meandering looks best, easy peasy!

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