T’was the night Blog hop


At the end of October, this box arrived at my door.

At first I had no idea who it was from and what it was for…

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Then I opened it and read the letter and saw these presents inside.

“The days dewings” had actually “stalked” my blog and found the names of my 3 kids and made presents for each of them

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soo thoughtful!

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and one for me Smile

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it was an upcycled book

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turned into a sewing case, how clever!


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Then I had to wait until I got the kids from school and they opened theirs quickly.

Bjorn LOVED his minecraft pillowcase!! (making Solveig jealous I think)

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she got two ornaments

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Sonja got a basket of craft goodies

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I gave Sonja the letter stickers in order and she stuck them on the bucket

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Bjorn likes his pillow case

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Sonja played with more stickers

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Let the creativity begin! look at the mess Winking smile

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can’t blame her all on the mess on the floor though

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like mother like daughter Smile with tongue out

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FYI-I did vacuum after this….

here’s the rest of the bloggers today

Monday, Nov. 17

Bea Quilter

Selina Quilts

Lakeshore Stitches

Lixie Makes It

Cucki Stitching Cove

Sew.  Darn.  Quilt.

Thanks to Marlene and Mrs Samm for a fun blog hop

62 thoughts on “T’was the night Blog hop”

  1. LOL, so nice for the kiddies and for you, this must have been hours of fun (and cleaning afterwards, I know, but FUN was more important!). THe sewing case is such a great idea, looks like a book, how clever!

  2. What lovely gifts for you and the children. Great idea about the sewing case.

  3. So cute and fun, thanks for sharing Bea.. Hey, nice change on the blog theme… Loads sew much faster… Hugs!!

  4. How sweet, so nice for the kids to get some gifts too. Great gifts all around.

  5. Love that recycled book… so clever! And how nice that she included the little ones in the exchange. Merry Christmas!

  6. Love that recycled book… so clever! And how nice that she included the little ones in the exchange. Merry Christmas!

  7. Joyce Carter

    It looks like all of you enjoyed some really cute presents. I love the ornaments. I don't like the clean-up part either.

  8. What a great idea, gifts for your family. The book idea is wonderful.I love the assortment of gifts I received from you. This has been a very fun hop.

  9. sew.darn.quilt

    Great gifts, my boys love Minecraft too! Cute idea for a sewing box 🙂

  10. I'm so glad they glad they liked them! This has been a very fun blog hop to participate in (my 1st, actually!). I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas, Bea!

  11. StitchinByTheLake

    How sweet to send gifts to your children – very thoughtful! I love the book turned into a case. My daughter is a librarian and would love this so I'll be trying to figure that out! blessings, marlene

  12. How sweet to think of your kids! Great idea to reuse a book to make such a crafty sewing case!

  13. Very nice gifts. How thoughtful to include the kids. I love the book turned sewing kit, very original.

  14. Those are such nice gifts! It looks like your kids had fun opening them. I love the book turned into a sewing kit. That is too cool!-Brittany

  15. How thoughtful to think of everyone. Great gifts. What a sweet treat that sewing box is.

  16. Jane's Quilting

    How thoughtfuf, a gift for all. They are all adorable and such sweet children.

  17. Great gifts. The sewing case–awesome idea. Wonder how she did that? And the gifts for the kids are great. Made a nice family time as I know how much kids like to open gifts. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the holidays.

  18. Creativity is such an amazing gift in itself and allows us to share with others. Your gifts received are thoughtful and fun. Thank you sew much for participating and swapping/hopping. Creative T'Was the Night Bliss…

  19. How fantastic! Thank you for sharing your gifts and your children Bea… they sure are growing up!!

  20. How thoughtful! I can't believe how big the little one has gotten, time flys!

  21. How lovely is that, to receive Gifts for the Children!! That just really touches my heart~ Thanks for sharing!!Huggs, Nancy

  22. What thoughtful gifts for you and your kids. I must have several of the upcyclced books…a new challenge. Have a Great Holiday Season.

  23. I can see that Sonja had a very good time!! Wonderful that the kids were included in the gift giving. What a sweet idea to use an old book and turn it into something useful.

  24. Deonn @ Quiltscapes

    What a wonderful package for everyone! I love the upcycled book/purse idea, how fun.

  25. Brandy Pettit

    Lovely idea to send gifts for everyone. I like the gifts you sent to Selina Quilts by the way, you made some great things! I especially enjoy the Hawaiian shirt tissue holder.~Brandy

  26. Very Thoughtful gifts. Hope you have a Pillowcase ready to make for the unhappy girl who got ornaments. What did you make for the HOP?

  27. That was just so thoughtful and everything was lovely. I thought your gift was so creative and useful.Merry Christmas Sandra

  28. How fun for your kiddo's to get gifts too! The up-cycled book to sewing kit was really neat. Gonna have to convince her to write up a tute for it. 🙂

  29. What a great package of gifts,made extra special with the crafting time with the kids!

  30. Sharon Joyner Griffith

    What a wonderful day for you to receive those wonderful gifts to share with your children…

  31. Mary Pat Callihan

    Don't you just love the mail?! Especially when it holds happy surprises!

  32. Leanne Parsons

    What wonderful gifts!! Craft supplies are so wonderful for kids. Keeps them occupied for hours (as long as you don't mind the aftermath).

  33. Bente-I like to QuiltBlog

    Great gifts and very nice to think of the kids too, funny pics ☺ thanks for sharing!

  34. Aw, how sweet! Looks like those gifts were well received. Such fun gift ideas!

  35. You received some very cute gifts. How nice that she sent each one of your children a present. Looking forward to seeing what you created. Have a joyous holiday season!

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