Tutorial Tuesday–random recolor tool

This may not be so much of a “tutorial” but more of a tool highlight!


I am currently having testers for my Underwater Stars pattern and in the pattern I show different color options too from EQ7

happy bugs quilt atlantis

Very easy to do and often you get a completely different look!

The random recolor tool is on the right tool bar

looks like a magic wand


Click randomize


and click away!

I think I would only click a few times, then start over if needed, after a while the colors get too close together


When you have a color combination you like, you click MAP to fabric and depending on what fabrics you have on your palette it picks the fabrics that are the closest to the colors.

Like these below

under water stars random3under water stars random2under water stars random1

Let’s try SHIFT hue I picked a value of 30


Here are the changes, it took 8 click to go back to the beginning.

Underwater stars30aUnderwater stars30bUnderwater stars30cUnderwater stars30dUnderwater stars30eUnderwater stars30fUnderwater stars30gUnderwater stars30h

Recoloring is FUN!

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2 thoughts on “Tutorial Tuesday–random recolor tool”

  1. Wonderful, Bea. Thank you for explaining the tool. I didn't know to click on "map to fabric"… no wonder my efforts didn't 'stick'. lol. Can't wait to give this a try!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this – I didn't even know it was there yet! I am still fairly new to this whole EQ world so every little bit helps!

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