Tutorial Tuesday- free motion quilting designs


Tutorial Tuesday – designing Free motion quilting in EQ7!

Layer 3(or 2) is rarely a layer I work with much.

The same goes for any of the Quiltmaker CD’s but I have one and try to use it Winking smile

I knew there was a way to design my own quilting designs in EQ as well.

Here’s a few ideas.

First I had this Swoon quilt, that I created for the Swoon block swap.


First select a block and export it.


I named it “swoon”

Then go to BLOCKS and create a new block patchdraw MOTIF


Click the tracing image tab and import image


find your block

I clicked “S” and that makes the search start at any pics that start with “S” in the name


find the swoon block and open

just click OK with the crop image box


click on the background one and the block is inserted



Now click the applique tab to start the applique design

I used the bezier curve and drew curves around



You can click the shape tool and modify the curves to have a nicer curve



Once you are happy with the curve select the pick tool and click on the curve


Then copy and paste the curve, rotate 90 degrees and flip it and move up to fit another part of the block


make another curve on the longer side of the triangle


You can hold down SHIFT to select both the top and side curve


Then copy and paste and and rotate to fit the block section


Copy and paste and rotate to matching “diamonds” of the block


Pick curves on the block to copy and paste and move over to cover a “house” section of the block


Then hold down SHIFT and pick the 5 curved lines and copy and paste those the same way as before.

I sometimes move the shapes over to the right on the white side so it’s easier to see if I got it right.


Fill out the whole block and add to sketchbook


Now go back to the quilt and go to the block button and under MOTIFS is your quilting design


select layer 3 and hold down SHIFT and drag the design over one block

it helps to zoom in


copy and paste this and move over to the block next to it, then select both of those and copy and paste again to create a row of them


Now copy and paste those to fill out the quilt.


If you want to design some free motion quilting, it’s fun too.

Go back to the MOTIF block and delete the block so it doesn’t distract from the design, you can do this design on ANY quilt.

Select the FREEHAND pencil tool


now draw a squiggle from the top left a little and stop, it doesn’t have to be PRETTY


once you let go of the mouse click, it turns it smooth

like this


Now start at the ending point of this and draw a little more


fill up the whole block and end in the upper right corner.

it doesn’t have to be super pretty, I’d just do it to see what it would look like to make these swirls over the quilt


add to sketchbook and copy and paste it on layer 3 again (after deleting the old ones or picking an older version of the quilt in the sketchbook)



Have you ever tried to design free motion quilting in EQ7?

Once you get started, you can’t stop! Smile

Link up below.

5 thoughts on “Tutorial Tuesday- free motion quilting designs”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Great tutorial Bea, that is something I haven't used in EQ either.

  2. شركة تنظيف بالرياضشركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياضتنظيف فلل بالرياضشركة المنارة لكشف التسربات بالرياض شركة تخزين أثاث بالرياض شركة تخزين عفش بالرياض كشف تسربات المياه شركة تنظيف بالرياض شركة كشف تسربات بالمدينة اسعار نقل العفش بالرياضهناهناهناهناهناهنا

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