Trying to quilt and getting more fabrics

 Yesterday I was finally able to start quilting a customer’s quilt.

Guess how I did it!?

I have a baby front carrying and put Sonja in it and went to work, she napped and I quilted for about an hour and a half 🙂

THESE yummy fabrics came in the mail yesterday too and matching threads (I’m going to try these on the Voyager one day)

I’ve posted about what I’m going to be making with this bundle here

I forgot to show this pin cushion from the pin cushion swap (tab above)

Then was sent from Gwen to Turid, isn’t it cute?

(I need to start my September one- it’s ready to go)

7 thoughts on “Trying to quilt and getting more fabrics”

  1. I am sure that Sonya was comforted by the humming of the machine – as she often was when you carried her.

  2. That was my thought too. The hum probably kept her asleep. Glad you are getting some quilting done. The pincushion is adorable.

  3. Kimberly Cassie @ Quilty Doodads

    What an adorable pin cushion! I love the "frosting."

  4. Impressive! And I thought I was doing good when I figured out how to touch type and nurse at the same time. 🙂

  5. Those carriers are wonderful. I jsut started to use the Essentials thread and I'm really liking it.

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