Trip part 3- the Creation museum

On Monday we followed the “blueberry” to the Creation Museum in KY

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And I did some more work on the Kumi loom Smile

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4 black, 2 green and 2 blue make this!

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In Kentucky

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And the creation museum.

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we had never heard of the Creation museum until we saw this debate between Ken Hamm and Bill Nye the science guy, it was a great debate!

during the debate Ken did talk about the 7 C’s… it was interesting to read more about it.

And that the museum was all based on the biblical Creation of the Earth!- never seen that before, usually museums will write that it’s billions of years ago etc.

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And now we can also say we’ve been to the garden of Eden!

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And been inside Noah’s ark!

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The gardens outside were gorgeous!

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We HAD to copy Laura and Micah and do a kissy picture Smile with tongue out

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The museum also had a creation quilt! sorry didn’t take close ups, but it was beautiful!

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And a group picture outside on the last day.

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For dinner Micah knew of this wing place with lots of different flavors for wings, we ate there both nights!- GREAT choice!

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Sonja passed out as soon as we got back to the hotel.

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2 thoughts on “Trip part 3- the Creation museum”

  1. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Sonja definitely had a lot of fun. She looks like she just laid down for a second and passed out. LOL You went to my favorite place for wings. We were first introduced to Quaker Steak & Lube in Ohio while visiting a friend we met online. And then we learned the closest one to us was over 3 hrs away, but it was on the way back from visiting hubby's Mom and Stepdad or my son in MI so we'd stop on the way home to eat there quite often. About a year ago I was thrilled because we learned one would be opening near us. It opened the first of the year or maybe last Fall (old brain here) and it's only about 20 minutes from our home now, BUT it's also on the way home from work for my hubby so he can stop to pick them up too.

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