Trip part 2–hiking in WV

Here’s part 2 of the trip.

We went hiking to go see some old train tunnels that are now walking tunnels.

I brought a carrier for Sonja, that I hadn’t used since she was a baby, it worked and she seemed to like it, but I’m glad it was short hikes!

She was HEAVY!

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some tunnels were really DARK inside, fun to take a picture like this

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One tunnel was near a stream/creek where we tried to find crawfish.

Once it was caught, Sonja had no problem picking it up and holding in, meanwhile the rest of us were hesitant.

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Then we went to this old 5 and 10c store.

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it even had sewing supplies and a few quilt block patterns.

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Had to take this picture for Hillbilly Tonya Winking smile

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and look at this! ha ha

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We had lunch

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and then found another tunnel

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This one was really DARK and spooky inside.

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