Trading and rainbow blocks

I made this bear for a someone who owns a CSA farm up the road from me, the mom was Sonja’s classroom mom. We’ve become friends on FB and recently she asked me if I would ever consider trading a season of produce for a quilt?

we worked out a deal and I also got the last month of the summer season in produce. She picked a quilt, actually a big one and a small one from my shelf and then talked about making her son a bear and I made him this one! (he loved it)


Just to show, this was a week’s worth of produce one week.

new potatoes, onion, garlic, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and blueberries! –and it’s organic!


I’ve been working on more rainbow blocks for soscrappy, here’s green (last month)

rainbow flying geese blocks

and red for July


here’s 7 colors together

rainbow flying geese blocks

Then there’s also sister’s choice blocks, here in red

rainbow flying geese blocks

and 7 together

rainbow flying geese blocks

and a red bear claw quilt- no contrast! hmm

rainbow flying geese blocks

and 7 together

rainbow blocks

and a red mosaic block

red mosaic block

and 7 together

mosaic rainbow blocks

Here’s the starting block for the round robin I’m hosting, I got this block from someone and it’s my turn to add a round- I got my thinking cap on!


and I got this pincushion from someone too for the pincushion swap!

beautifully embroidered!


A bit personal stuff, last week Solveig got a new haircut and we all LOVE it! it looks so great on her


Solveig made an apple pie around that time with homegrown apples! (we have 3 apple trees that give tiny apples but a lot of them!)


Last week, Solveig and Bjorn went to a youth retreat in GA from Thur-Sat, when they got home late Saturday, Solveig had to quickly do laundry and pack again, as Sunday afternoon she was going to a week of band camp at UNCG (she plays the flute) we’re picking her up tonight and will eat dinner there and then listen to a concert!

The whole camp has two different weeks and over 2000 students attend this camp!! It was sort of a mad house, just getting her checked in and getting her into her dorm, but I bet tonight will be more hectic too!


anyway, really proud of her!

4 thoughts on “Trading and rainbow blocks”

  1. I love her haircut too! You have been a busy lady-well aren't we always, haha. I don't know who got the better deal your neighbor or you, sounds like a win win.

  2. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Great haircut on her. My oldest son went to band camp one year. Lots of fun. Enjoy your produce.

  3. Wonderful blocks and projects! I. was just wondering how you got all this done; sounds like you had your own camp this week. G

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