TODAY is Kronk’s birthday!

Today our fat black cat KRONK is turning 11!

We LOVE this fat cat, he’s our little panther!!

He weighs ONLY 17.5lbs now I think he used to be over 20! Maybe Chewy is keeping him away from the food bowl?

Every morning if he can see the bottom of the food bowl, even though there might be some food in there still, he miaws at everyone loudly and goes toward the laundry room which is where the food is and if we don’t follow him right away, he comes back and miaws again and walks that way! UNTIL we fill up their bowl and then he jumps up and eats like he hasn’t eaten in a week and spills everywhere- greedy little guy! Swiffer lets him, he can wait a bit on the food, he’s the WATER watcher instead!

Kronk might be fat but he’s also LONG, he can easily reach a door handle!

He can be a stinker though and pee in the girl’s bed, if he doesn’t get access to the laundry room RIGHT when he has to go because maybe Chewy is in the way!

To celebrate I’m offering a bundle of CAT themed patterns, 4 patterns for $30 by entering coupon code kronk

The patterns are Kronk, Furball, Crazy Cat quilt and Kitty Cat Stars

add all 4 patterns in the cart and then add the coupon and it should total $30 instead of $40!

1 thought on “TODAY is Kronk’s birthday!”

  1. Fun! I love cats. I love their independence, and their crazy little habits. My son has a rescue therapy cat, a Manx-Russian Blue. Dumb as a box of rocks, but sweet as all get out. She gets him through hard times. Thanks for your inspiration.

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