Today is a birthday

My daughter Solveig is turning 10 today!

This is her as a baby.

2014-10-19 003

And I was just emailed this picture from a friend who took this in march with her AWESOME camera!


Solveig is my ONLY child I actually labored with and pushed out- and she came out sunny side up!

Her name in Danish means Sunny Way so that kind of fits Smile

When she grows up she wants to be a chef or own her own café – Sunny way Café !

I’m very proud of her, she’s a great girl and smart and a good student in school.

Today we’re having an after-school party.

10 girls total and 2 boys (my son and his friend Evan- as Evan’s two sisters are coming to the party and their mom is helping out)

I will post pictures tomorrow!

11 thoughts on “Today is a birthday”

  1. Happy birthday to Solveig! A gorgeous ten year old! Very pretty. Enjoy the party!

  2. Happy Birthday Solveig. I love your name! Enjoy your special day and

  3. happy birthday Solveig, with a name like that you can`t be anything but happy. Have a lovely party with your friends

  4. SewMisadventurous

    Happy, Happy 10th Birthday Solvieg.Hope you enjoy your party (and that Sonja's better so she can join in the fun). Bea, you have a beautiful, beautiful Daughter, and you gave her a beautiful name. I'm so impressed that she knows what she wants to do with herself when School ends. I think it's a Great name for a Cafe.

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