Throwback Thursday

Last week was pretty empty as far as blog posts, and this week has filled up.

I’m so BAD about reading other blogs and the other day I read a post where she posted pictures from some of her earlier blog posts from 10yrs ago (Jo’s Country Junction)

I figured I’d copy that idea and I knew I had an empty spot this week so why not do a “Throw back Thursday” post? remember those on FB a while ago? (I’m not on FB anymore so don’t know if it’s still a “thing”)

anyways, I started my blog Jan 30th 2010 so 11yrs ago! So I looked at today’s date 11yrs ago and I had several posts on that day, don’t know why I did posts like that or maybe it’s when I moved my blog over from blogger to wordpress? I don’t really think so, but anyways…. Here’s what I made- don’t laugh…..


I vaguely remember this one but I guess I gave it to a hospice in Raleigh, and I remember those fabrics but those BLUES do NOT go with it!! I think I made something for my mom with the fabrics first? I don’t remember….

Then I made this baby quilt as a shower gift for a friend at our former church, funny teal and brown is still popular a bit.

and I free motioned feathers!

and lastly this outer space quilt, I think it was leftovers from a quilt I made for Bjorn.

And it’s funny because I turned this into a pattern called “Feeling Better”

It was a nice flash back to see how far I’ve come in 11yrs!

1 thought on “Throwback Thursday”

  1. I wish I could free-motion quilt like you can! I have a non-computerized longarm and am very comfortable doing meandering, loops and zigzagging but that’s about it! My feathers are terrible! Enjoyed the throwback!

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