The present that never got there :(

I want to add some depressing music right here. DUM DUM DUM….

It’s concluded that THIS package got STOLEN!

Remember last month how we went to Napa, CA to see friends!

When we got home I made them a few presents

A Pillow (that was my test fabric for embroidering the grapes and their name, so I turned it into a pillow)

A white small tote with grapes, 2 kitchen towels with name and grapes

and then a small pin cushion that I embroidered.

August 058August 059August 060

I sent it USPS Priority mail and tracking shows it was delivered to their mailbox, but it must have gotten stolen out of there… what a bummer!!

It just had the regular $50 insurance, which I guess I’ll get back eventually, maybe not though since it WAS delivered….. we’ll see. a case has been opened with the USPS.

I do have two light green towels that I will put aside and maybe make a new set for them, once this is resolved.

I’m at least happy it wasn’t something that can’t be replaced, well yeah they were hand made items but….SIGH

15 thoughts on “The present that never got there :(”

  1. Debbie Rogowski

    try to make contact with the delivering post office. It may be that it got delivered to the wrong address. It can happen when a sub is working sometimes. A lot of times they can figure it out amongst themselves and find it for you

  2. Teresa in Music City

    That's terrible Bea! I just recently bought a Featherweight sewing machine from an online source. The lady put the wrong address, leaving out one number, so it was delivered to someone else's house! Fortunately, she did put her phone number in the return address, so the person who received it called her and told her they had it. I was able to meet them and retrieve it. But if they had decided to keep it, UPS would have said they delivered it and I don't know what would have happened!

  3. So sorry about this! I guess I worry more about international mailing and whether it will make it OK than mailing within the states. If it was stolen…. I hope their conscience is keeping them up at night!

  4. Wow, how frustrating!I hope you get your reimbursement. At least you have photos of what was in it. Does that help your case?

  5. M-R Charbonneau

    Aww, that sucks! I'm sorry to hear that, Bea! It was such a thoughtful gift!

  6. How bad is that! I get angry when I hear about it. Good you made them new things.

  7. Vroomans' Quilts

    I know how you feel – about a month ago, I had a swap parcel sent and disappear in the same manner.

  8. Sowing Stitches

    Frequently we receive other peoples mail…Once we received a package for someone else that needed delivery confirmation and their signature, but it was clearly marked on the package as delivered 3 days before it arrived in our mailbox at the wrong address!!!! When we took it to the post office they were not pleased. Keep asking questions until the post office has FOUND your original package you mailed. Somebody knows what happened to it, you can be sure of that!

  9. What beautiful things you made. It is sad to think that somewhere along the chain, someone did something that wasn't right. I hope it is found.

  10. Joyce Carter

    Beautiful items, Bea. What an awful thing to have happened.But sometimes things do get delivered to the wrong address. I know because our mail gets delivered to our neighbors house all the time. Hopefully someone will get in touch with them to let them know that they received it by mistake. Keep checking on it until you do find out something. Hope it shows up soon.

  11. So sorry to hear about that Bea. They were really lovely gifts. Have you inquired at the delivering Post Office? We get other peoples mail all the time.

  12. That is just so wrong and I'm sorry that all your hard work and lovely gifts were taken.

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