Test voting on which crazy daisy quilt should I make

I am trying something new, and hopefully it will work.

I asked Brent at linkytools if there was a way to vote for MY designs.

He said there IS, so this is my test on that.

You know I’ve been buying fabrics from Tonya here, come join the group!!

I got a few more crazy daisy fabrics and they are all washed and ironed.

So of course I HAD to play some more in EQ7.

Some of the last fabrics I don’t HAVE (yet) and I see I forgot one, it’s just like the bottom left funky flower but in pink and orange

So have a look and let me know which one I should make

#1 with white around in a zig zag pattern

 #2 same thing, different layout

#3Isosceles Triangles

#4 Simple stars

#5 lots of applique

#6 Log cabins with white

#7 Kaleidoscope and 9 patches

#8 Scrappy Stars

#9 Rails and pinwheels

#10 Log cabins

#11 blooming nine patch

#12 pinwheel boxes

#13 boxes

#14 Calico cats (go! die)

#15 funky flowers

#16 flying geese

#17 Jacobs ladder- HUGE and tiny pieces

#18 larger blocks and offset jacobs ladder

#19 Knots

So look here and vote (LIKE) AS many as you want!

7 thoughts on “Test voting on which crazy daisy quilt should I make”

  1. Oopsy, don't see where to click to vote. You've designed some great quilts, but I like #10 the best – love all the value changes. The 'linky' one is very nice, too. Was that #21? lol. Don't remember the number.

  2. I can see why you need a vote, so many great choices. Can't you make them all? I voted for several, bur if it makes a difference "white stars" is my favorite of the bunch.

  3. #8 and #19 [I "remembered" the wrong numbers in comment above.lol]The links are working great now, Bea.Good luck with your project[s].

  4. I voted but there were so many choices. Maybe next time narrow it down to your 4-6 favorites.

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