owl block

more RSC blocks and Swiffer and baby pics

I finished another RSC block a red Monkey wrench / snail trail block here’s 9 of them together, funny how the pink and turquoise is all melting together and the rest have a nicer contrast, not sure if I’ll add sashing or not on the finished quilt, I’ll decide later. I also finished appliqueing the …

more RSC blocks and Swiffer and baby pics Read More »

I just couldn’t stop with the orange

I can’t stop finding things to make in orange. As promised/challenged by turid here’s an orange purse pincushion! I didn’t have any orange felt so I used yellow instead. Then yesterday I was asked a question on amazon- since I reviewed it- about the owl accuquilt die, then I just GOT in the mood to …

I just couldn’t stop with the orange Read More »

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