ohio star blocks

Women of the bible blocks

I’ve been catching up on my Women of the bible blocks since I had printed all the rest of the blocks, templates or FPP papers I must have grabbed this from the back as it’s the last block Priscilla! This is Mary (Mother of Jesus) This is Anna’s block (courthouse steps) and Women of Samaria …

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pincushions, ohio stars and bible blocks

At the pincushion on parade link up a few weeks ago I won a giveaway, one was $10 to emblibrary.com and I added a few things, one of them were these heart stuffies ornaments. Of course I couldn’t just make ONE, but tried 2 in felt I also made a bigger version in cotton and …

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More ohio star blocks, a pincushion and Round Robin progress

I’ve been on a roll with these small Ohio star blocks (made with the dies from the serendipity QUBE set) the blocks are 5” and SEW much fun to sew… I also made this pincushion after looking in my UFO bins I found this piece of yellow fabric with an embroidered owl on it and …

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First week of school!

Monday was the first day of public school here Solveig started 7th grade (not really excited!) But she had a great time once she got there! caught up with friends and happy with her teachers. Sonja started kindergarten and they had staggered entry so she started Wednesday! She was SO excited, even though school starts …

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Hexagon quilt

I recently finished my EPP hexagon quilt! I made this with a layer cake from connecting threads and then the 1” accuquilt hexagon EPP die to cut out the papers and fabrics! Plus a solid white and border fabric It measures 40×41 I think or something close to that. I long arm quilted curves from …

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