
November in review

here’s what I completed in November crocheted sweater twist on bargello top crocheted poncho Christmas pot holders and Anja 🙂 and here’s my 2015 list Things in red are projects I’ve worked on this month #1 (2012) giraffe wall hanging –working on the baby giraffe now #2 (2012) fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt …

November in review Read More »

October in review

Can’t believe it’s November already! I have a little over 3 weeks to go until this baby comes! So I’ve been working on certain projects with deadlines and most I can’t show. (yet) But here’s October in review of JUST finished projects A half hexagon baby quilt using Island Batik fabrics and the GO cutter. …

October in review Read More »

Sorry, a bit MIA but I’ve been crocheting.

sorry, I’ve been a little MIA last week, I’ve been doing things, just not so much quilting related OR if they were quilting related, they’ve been SECRET projects that I can’t show yet. As you may have seen, I’ve picked up crocheting again. It’s nice to “force” myself to sit on the couch with my …

Sorry, a bit MIA but I’ve been crocheting. Read More »

I’ve been crocheting!

So last week, my friend Laura asked me to show her how to crochet. I haven’t crocheted in years and couldn’t find my pouch of hooks (sigh!) But I did find my patterns and this one is one of my favorites! and you know how it goes, once someone else wants to do something, you …

I’ve been crocheting! Read More »

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