coats and clarks threads

Black and White blog hop

When Carla posted about this blog hop I jumped right on it, as I already had a black and white project in the works (since June 2018) Back in June I was playing in EQ and came up with this design with hexagons that’s mean to use a charm pack! I had bought a black …

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Science museum and a bit of sewing

Last Friday the kids were off of school, so we decided to go to a Greensboro Science museum, it’s both a museum, aquarium and petting zoo! We were sort of meeting up with friends from church, but all knew that a big place like that, we’d be split up quickly, so it was more like …

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Back from Denmark

I’m back from a week in Denmark. Before Christmas I found out that my mom’s husband (sort of my step dad?-they got married after I did, but still) was dying from cancer! Lung cancer, stomach cancer, kidneys, bone marrow or spine and a cyst in his brain. I honestly didn’t think he’d make it thru …

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