
lots of hexagons and epp

I have been working a lot on the One Block Wonder the last few days. I got the blocks done (well each half hexie is just pinned together overlapping a bit, this way I can see what it looks like, but when I sew them together, they go together in rows) I wanted to have …

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Skirt fabrics and animals

I made a skirt for myself this weekend!! I really like it I used THIS fabric- a nice b/w flower But look! When you turn it upside down (my look from looking down at the skirt) it looks like a creepy flower skeleton or flower creature. maybe like the flower shooters from Zelda? Monday I …

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quilts beyond borders and more

Once in a while I quilt for “quilts beyond borders” They often take a bunch of quilts to ethiopia to orphanages, who knew they needed quilts there? I always thought it was too hot there, but I guess it’s not This time I didn’t have any customer quilts or dead lines to I agreed to …

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I’m not a proverbs 31 woman

This week’s Women of the bible BOW was Proverbs 31 woman Yeah right…. I’m not like her… But I CAN relate to this Pro 31:22”She makes coverings for her bed” If you are a quilter- you can too!! and it was only the last mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter where I used the quilt for …

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Ahhhh’s coming out of my ears

I’ve been catching up on the Ahhhh’s Reminder that the Ahhhh’s (Artistic, Hexotic, Hectic, Hillbilly Hexagons) are sold here This is # 26 #27 #28 I’ve glue basted all these and they sure get sewn together much faster! #29 Look at the pile I have already!! I got the last round of MMRR Here’s Sonja …

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Fabrics, customer quilt, dress and winner

I got another box from Ozark fabrics!! woohoo Here they are all washed This picture is to show how TALL the pile is Here’s piles of Riley Blake fabrics. Love that the one fabric is such a large print! cool Two matching pink floral fabrics I HAD to buy some of these “JULEN” fabrics- Jul …

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T shirt quilt, Geese in a ring and a dress

I can finally show the “secret” T-shirt quilt! Ning graduation yesterday and after that we met for lunch with her family from Singapore and I gave her the quilt (She in turn gave me a BIG gift card to JoAnn’s WOOHOO! you know I’ll use that quickly! ha ha) Here’s the shirt segments being sewn …

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