T shirt quilt and Sonja’s new hat

I’ve been working on a friend’s T shirt quilt, she brought a HUGE pile back from Singapore at Christmas time and she’s graduating next month from UNC…. Go Ning!!

I had ordered 10yds (I think) of 911 interfacing

It’s kind of stiff but seems to do the trick with these shirts

So I’ve been ironing and trimming these shirts, I figured I’d work in WHOLE inches and sorted into piles



then I went into EQ and started with a 16 patch block (4 x 4) and made the blocks 4” and started with a 70”x78” quilt or maybe it was 72” wide, doesn’t matter Smile

I had a big pile of 12” wide shirt sections so I colored those in

nings t shirt

nings t shirt2

nings t shirt3

nings t shirt4

I later started a NEW one and colored the 16 squares in each block a solid green, WELL…. so much easier, then I took the WAND tool and colored each block which was 4 x 4 and quickly filled in the sections.

I went back and removed blocks from the width and height ( I knew it would remove from the right and bottom so it didn’t change anything with the layout)

nings t shirt5

Here’s the “final” the purple was an “oops” I really wanted two shirts to fit the space, so I was able to rip out one of the whites and chop it down, so instead of re-doing that column I reminded myself of the size by coloring it purple and that it’s NOT split in two like that, but just to see the size

nings t shirt6

Here’s the shirts so far, I moved the rows around in the final one

Now the quilt will be 46” x 65” should I add a border?

Oh… and note to SELF!! next time use a hopping foot while piecing!

I didn’t when I made the columns, but now that I’m sewing those together I switched to a hopping foot and it’s SEW much easier.


I made this little hat for Sonja the other day and only got a chance to take pictures yesterday Smile



Okay, enough pictures mommy!! pick me up!!



Here’s the pattern

I added the ties under her chin which was not part of the pattern, but I thought it was cute Smile

I’ve made the dress for my other daughter when she was little, maybe it was one of the first dresses I ever made her…. hmm


5 thoughts on “T shirt quilt and Sonja’s new hat”

  1. Debbie Rogowski

    looks like fun!! I have a question, if I was to hand quilt a Tshirt quilt would this same interfacing be good or is it too hard to work through? Oh and as always Sonja is adorable 🙂

  2. The Amateur Quilter (Mike Pearson)

    I've never used interfacing. I would like to learn more about it. What is it's purpose? I assume to stablize the stretchiness of the tshirts. Would love to know how it works! Love what you did with EQ7. I have EQ7 but you are obviously more advanced at using it than I am!

  3. I do t-shirt quilts with the lightest possible interfacing I can find. Does the stiff one make the quilt too stiff to cuddle with? Just curious.Sonja is adorable in the hat. : )

  4. Joyce Carter

    First of all, your daughter is sooo adorable–love the hat,too!Now, I have a question for you. My grandson is finishing school this year. He has a t-shirt for every year plus some from special events that happened. I would like to make him a quilt from these shirts, but don't know how to start. Would you, please, tell me how you made yours or tell me a good place to get some ideas? All help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  5. The t-shirt quilt will be fabulous. Little Sonja looks adorable, as always.

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