Swoon blocks are mailed out

I think it’s safe to post these now as I think almost everyone got their blocks now (maybe not the internationals?)

anyways, with a delay and a hiccup in the swap, the blocks were here and finally sorted!

I show them on the wall in groups with each pair next to each other, from the same person, so some may look stark, but once they are mixed around, they will all look great Smile

2014-09-16 001

#1 – halloween blocks for Becky

White / beige / very light grey background

2014-09-16 018

2014-09-16 002

and #2 was mine- Christmas colors

2014-09-16 019

2014-09-16 003

#3 for Diane- also Christmas colors with a cream background and red or green anywhere on the block.

2014-09-16 017

2014-09-16 004

#4 Kylie- Aqua and red and white

2014-09-16 016

2014-09-16 005

#5 Sandie- low volume background, red houses and anything for the star and points.

2014-09-16 015

2014-09-16 006

#6 Nancy-

background color to be a light beige. 

The house units a blue-green and the star a coral color. 

2014-09-16 014

2014-09-16 007

#7 Shar

Background:  maize to meringue
                 light yellow
   House shapes:  stay closer to cerise but can go to berry (just a little too dark)
    Points and center star:  olive to artichoke.

2014-09-16 011

2014-09-16 010

#8 Laura- white background, bright turquoise stars and points and then navy blue “houses”

2014-09-16 009

2014-09-16 008

#9 Andi- patriotic colors in any combination of red, white, blue and yellow-gold.

2014-09-16 013

2014-09-16 012

This block swap was a lot of fun!

Though I do think it kicked our butts!- took a lot longer and was harder than we thought… still worth it though!

7 thoughts on “Swoon blocks are mailed out”

  1. SewMisadventurous

    Well Done to every single one of you! It's no wonder it took a long time, it looks like a heck of a lot of work.

  2. I can't imagine making so many. My quilt only has 9 blocks and is still a UFO. I am impressed.

  3. Those are really, really awesome and some fabulous quilts will be the result. Of course I'm partial to the Halloween ones. Congrats to you for a successful swap.

  4. Finally found time to open and savor my blocks! It was fun. Thanks Bea, for being the hostess.

  5. Same block but the colors make them look so different in some of them. ImpressiveThanks for sharing

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