Swoon block swap update and linky

swoon block swap

I decided to tackle the swoon blocks!

I had bought this Christmas swoon fabric and also this fun owl Christmas fabric (2yds of each just in case)

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I auditioned them up against the blocks and also wanted to decide id I wanted a sashing or not and one or two borders.

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Here’s some EQ sketches I made first


Here’s the turquoise with a skinny red inner border


Or just plain with white sashing and border


Then with a chevron


I thought about the chevron as the sashing too, but that might have been too much

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and here’s the owl fabric with white sashing

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a test of what the white sashing might look like

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Here’s all 16 blocks sewn together with the white sashing and inner border

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I was all set on the owl fabric until I finished the middle part, then it just didn’t GO with it ( I knew it didn’t match totally, but I thought the contrast would have been fun)

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Then I started putting the chevron fabric up against the top and really liked it! though, as with many striped and chevron fabrics like this, I was afraid of having to piece several strips together and have the chevrons look crooked, I tried to fussy cut it, but it wasn’t even straight on the fabric with a ruler on it, so I just went for it and cut 9 strips 4 1/2” wide and sewed them together into long strips, matching up the edges as much as possible.

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Here’s the finished top… LOVE it!

(If I finish this whole quilt before the 14th I’ll bring it to our church Christmas party to give away, otherwise I have another Christmas quilt on the shelf already)

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This is the “worse” seam on the whole border and it’s not too bad I think, from a distance you don’t pay attention to it, it’s more the blocks that are FUN to look at!

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What a fun swap!! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Any of you worked on your blocks/top?

( you can link a blog post or even flikr and any pics will do!)

Link up below

I’ll leave the linky open until Jan 1st.

(and those of you who didn’t participate- still have a look around and get inspired!)

4 thoughts on “Swoon block swap update and linky”

  1. I don't have an update yet…thanks for giving us a few weeks to link up. I love my blocks and I will have time to sew next week, yay! Andi in Arizona

  2. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts

    Yours looks great Bea! I even spotted one of my blocks. 🙂

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