Super busy, but can’t show much

I really have been super busy this week.

Well, my kids were off monday for MLK, then off tuesday for teacher workday.

My son started getting a fever sunday-tuesday, tuesday morning I took him to the Dr, negative for the flu or strep, but I still kept him home wednesday.

Wednesday afternoon they called from the Dr. that the strep was positive! so I kept him home again today with a nasty cough too. Now it looks like we’ll get snow tomorrow afternoon so the kids have early release at 11.30. Why even bother!? ha ha

NC schools are wimps….

Here’s a few things I CAN show.

pot holders, using the winding ways Go! die, and Rhapsody of reds from Connecting threads

AND I got this idea too, sewing just the corner parts together 3 times

plus a little handle =

a cute little pin cushion 🙂

And looks at SOMEONE’s cute shoes!

I always thought it was silly to give shoes to babies, but I had these- BRAND new and lately Sonja has been Ms Cinderella with her socks…. so it HIT me to put shoes on her to prevent the socks from sliding off, it worked too! duh….. 🙂

here’s some funny quilty pics 🙂

well you can read the list and see why I can’t show much more.

Here’s an update on my 2013 list

#1 giraffe wall hanging – still working on needleturn applique, mommy giraffe almost done

#2 pineapple black and blue quilt- giving these a break now

#3 Bonnie Hunter ORCA mystery – backing fabrics ordered

#4 green, red, yellow flower quilt- top done, just taking forever removing the papers

#5 spring swap blocks- got plans but no background fabrics ordered yet

# 6 Making memories embroidered panel- needs to be made into a cute wall hanging

#7 fall leaf blocks swap- ready to quilt

#8 bubble gum quilt kit won at quilt show – top done adding vine on border

#9 won 9 march BOM -dotted flowers -DONE!

#10 Round Robin swap -TOP done and ready to quilt

#11- drunkard’s path- top done

#12- Hidden forest- applique- traced owl

#13 pin cushion swap – mailed

#14geese in a ring- 6 blocks are here

#15 christmas tree skirt- top done

#16 hexies- 43 flowers done and sewn together

#17 women of the bible quilt blocks- block #14 Jael done

#18 Boxes!-

#19 McCall’s #5 diamond in squares – DONE! & mailed

#20- roman holiday- kit

#21 Benertex floral quilt- top done ready to quilt

#22 Valentine’s Round Robin- dec done and mailed
#23 Woven Stars for CT – DONE!
#24 Quilt it today #2- red, white and blue quilt-fabrics are here and washed
#25- easy street- top done, may need a border?
#26 McCall’s #6 flower star- fabrics here, templates started! starting this next
#27 McCall’s #7- “crazy daisy” –  all fabrics here
#28- Book quilt- just planned
#29 and 30(December) twin boy quilts -spider web quilt,scrapping the spider quilt, planning twist on bargello instead
#31 “birds”(Jan), #3 quilt it today- DONE

#32 winding reds(Jan) #4 quilt it today- Done and ready to mail

9 thoughts on “Super busy, but can’t show much”

  1. I hope your son is feeling better! Are you in the Raleigh area? Maybe the schools are letting out extra early to try to avoid another "Gridlock Day" like we had in 2005. That was bad news.

  2. tubilinha tiacarminha

    Sou viciada em agulheiros e vou fazer este para a coleção…Cuide para a Cinderela não perder os sapatos…Quando as minhas filhas eram pequenas(faz teeeeepo)eu colocava uma fita dupla-face na meia,funcionava bem,é dica,tá?Beijos e Bençãos.

  3. Joyce Carter

    Hi Bea. I live in Georgia and they have already closed the schools for tomorrow.We are supposed to get some freezing rain early in the morning. We don't know what to do when we get snow or ice so everything closes down.The pot holders are really cute and so is the pincushion. I keep thinking that I need to make me a new one but I haven't yet.I really like the *sayings* that you posted. They are very funny.I think I need to post them in my sewing room.Have a great night!

  4. Love the sweet little pincushion! I hope your son is doing better and that the rest of the fam stays healthy!

  5. I'm quite out of breath reading your list of things to do! I hope your son gets better soon. I love the little pin cushion…very clever.

  6. I saw your Baby Rattle quilt in McCall's and am wanting to make it for my new baby grandson. Since I like to check out the colors / fabrics before I start, I was hoping you might have the baby rattle block that I can put in my quilt software to make the color changes? I use Quilt Pro but I'll take any way you have it possible.ThanksDiana

  7. Teresa in Music City

    My goodness yes, your list is long!!! Great idea to put shoes on the keep the socks on her feet LOL!!!

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