Star Quilt With Batik squares

This month’s “theme” with Island Batik ambassadors is Star Struck


and I didn’t see this graphics until AFTER I was almost done with my project Winking smile

I’m also an affiliate with Annie’s! (They will sell some of my patterns there soon!)

Annie’s released a new precut quilt book and I jumped all over it!

It’s called Favorite Quilt’s from Precuts and it’s so easy to buy it and download it (I got a free copy to help promote it)

As I was looking thru it I really like the star table topper at the top left of the cover, it’s made with 5” squares and I knew the theme for Island Batik was stars and I just loved this new 10” stack I got in my second box from them, they were just calling out to me- to be cut into!

This fabric line is called Spirit Rhytm and it’s available at your LQS, here’s a link to Island Batik’s site

Of course I couldn’t JUST rotary cut it, instead I busted out my Accuquilt QUBE set (this was made from 4” finished squares and 4” HSTs)


I cut out enough to make 4 star blocks with some neutral swirl fabric too


And quickly the blocks were done (16”)


Originally I was thinking of a runner like the pattern, but then I put them on my design wall in a square and I liked it better!


This is where I veered off the directions, since I was doing a square quilt I wanted some sort of border, so I used the signature die from small square from the qube set and cut out sets for the border.

I decided to “match” the stars, so the signature blocks next to the bright stars would be bright also, and the ones next to the dark stars would be dark, and I decided on a quilt name: Night and Day!


Here’s the top all done! Now it measured 40” x 40”


And here it is all quilted. I kept it simple and this time I used Hobbs Tuscany cotton and wool blend batting, it quilted really nicely!

Island Batik quilt star quilt

Island Batik quilt star quilt


Now I still had leftovers from the 10” squares so I decided to make mini versions and I made 2 blocks with the 6” qube set and made them just 6” instead of double the size like above.


and I made a biscornu pincushion!

Ever tried one??


The method is the same, doesn’t matter which two blocks you use, here’s how I did it

First mark the corners 1/4” from the sides (actually on the back, but this was light enough I could see thru the fabric) you also make 1/4” from the center, I had a seam on this block and it was easy to eyeball with the star points as they ended 1/4” from the edge.


Now here’s the “fun” part, find the middle of the bottom block, right side UP and the corner of the top block, right side down! pin the corner of the top to the middle point, then the top middle should also match up to the corner of the bottom block.

This is all I pin!


Then in the machine, start at the middle, and back stitch over it, go to the middle of the top and leave the needle DOWN!


Then pivot and now the top corner ends at the midpoint of the bottom block


Keep going like this with the needle DOWN and pivoting at the corners


Stop after 7 edges, so there’s an opening for turning and stuffing, it should look like this


Turn right side out


Now stuff it and whipstitch closed, I didn’t overstuff it, so there’s a bit of room for compressing.


I then found a matching button, some embroidery floss and long felt sewing needles or doll needles (it should be pretty long and have a big eye for the floss)


I start by tying a knot at the end and insert the needle from the top, where the button is going to be, then pull thru to the back, being close to the center, then back up and pull tight! pull thru the button and back down and up again and thru the button one more time, then I tie a knot and tighten the floss, and meanwhile wrapping the floss around the sewn stitches under the button and tied several knots before trimming


and here’s what it looks like now!

biscornu pincushion

I’m sending this to someone in my pincushion swap with this PIN it pincushion. You know who you are Winking smile

biscornu pincushion pin it

Have you ever made a biscornu pincushion?

16 thoughts on “Star Quilt With Batik squares”

  1. I've never made a pincushion like that. But I certainly will try, as you show us how here. And I'm so happy to have the original to help me through. I LOVE pincushions! Great star quilt you've made too.

  2. These are so cute! I love that Spirit Rhythm fabric — I'm going to use mine for our log cabin month!

  3. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Beautiful quilt and pin cushion Bea! I have some of that fun background batik too! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    I love all the stars and the star quilt. Nice pincushion, too.


    what a fun border! I have the signature and need to start using it! Thanks for the tut on the pincushion.

  6. I love the ribbon border and think it is funny that you went with the same star as the logo! I love all your little projects this month. Time to get going on mine

  7. Bea, this is a beautiful quilt and I love the pincushion…must make it soon!

  8. BarefootThunder

    Awesome quilt !!! and I am going to make a few blocks and give this pincushion a try. Thanks.

  9. I just love how you surrounded the stars….enjoy all your projects…one clever lady!

  10. I've always said "A pattern is just a place to start." Love your quilt, and I'm going to have to try that pincushion!

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