Sorry, a bit MIA but I’ve been crocheting.

sorry, I’ve been a little MIA last week, I’ve been doing things, just not so much quilting related OR if they were quilting related, they’ve been SECRET projects that I can’t show yet.

As you may have seen, I’ve picked up crocheting again.

It’s nice to “force” myself to sit on the couch with my feet up and then crochet 🙂

I found this old pattern from a big binder I had (Yeah, that’s Vanna White from Wheel of fortune, if you are not a yarn person you may not know that she’s a huge crocheter – I was going to say “hooker” but that’s just not nice!)


Last week Sonja and I went to A.C. Moore and she picked out this yarn for a sweater for her.

Even though the picture is of Vanna’s son, the pattern is neutral and can fit a boy or a girl.


I’m actually almost done with the 2nd sleeve!


This one is a baby girl dress (6m) so I put that aside for a while to work on Sonja’s sweater first, as the weather is finally getting cooler!


we also still play with her kitchen (that is now in her room)

Here she made eggs, chips and a mouse flavored strawberry donut for her owl!


It’s columbus day today and a teacher work day, so hopefully I can have the kiddos entertain/play with Sonja while I do more sewing 🙂 OR…. we’ll play games or board games together, which is always fun.

2 thoughts on “Sorry, a bit MIA but I’ve been crocheting.”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    Going to be a beautiful sweater. Maybe Sonja can bake you a cake, while you are nearby sewing. Yes, a Columbus Day

  2. Nice work. I have been crocheting too! Sonja getting to be a big girl. Wow time flies I remember the pictures of her crawling all around ☺️

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