Sonja’s crocheted sweater

I finished crocheting a sweater for Sonja!

It’s made with a variegated yarn that she picked at the craft store, purple, blue, green and white.

And she picked purple buttons too.

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I knew the yarn was thicker than what the pattern called for, but I followed a 2T pattern and hoped it would fit Sonja who’s 3T.

Anyways, it was a nail biter at the end, because I could see the yarn running out of the last skein.

THIS is how much I had left when the sweater was done!

(Now I did have a plan in my head about what to do if I was just a little bit short, but luckily that didn’t happen)


And here’s my little model 🙂

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(Of course I have another project in the works already!!)

One for Baby and one for Sonja.



4 thoughts on “Sonja’s crocheted sweater”

  1. Busy Bucharoo

    What a beautiful sweater. Your sweet little one looks lovely in it. She did a great job of picking colors.

  2. your sweater is wonderful. love that she picked out the yarn and buttons. your model steals the show. LOL

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