Sonja’s Birthday

This cat loving creative girl is 12 today!

Today we’re going to a mall (a different one, we usually don’t go to) with friends and then I’ll drive them home and one of them will stay the night (the other two couldn’t do it)

Sonja is my SWEET “emotional” girl, she loves Swiffer and Kronk and they always sleep with her.

She’s a great reader and student but hates math (though this year we’re doing a different math curriculum so maybe it’ll be better?)

She loves to be creative and do her “own” thing.

She especially loves making dino mask furries

Look out teenage years! LOL…

About my girls, I’ve said that once they hit 12, it’s the 3 Bs- Boobs, Body odor and Bad attitude….LOL

Let’s hope it’s not that bad 🙂

4 thoughts on “Sonja’s Birthday”

  1. Donette Kurtz

    You are so funny. Yes I remember the teen years. Some how we survived it and they do too.

  2. Happy Birthday to Sonja! I see she loves Hello Kitty, too. She looks lovely in amongst the Sunflowers and her crocheted purse is adorable.

  3. Happy birthday, sweet girl! Somehow you babies grow up way too fast to suit us mamas. My baby turns 35 this year.

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