Sonja is 4!

Sonja turned 4 on Sunday.

We had a party for her Saturday night that was also a bible study, BECAUSE the friends she wanted to invite were part of our bible study and it was our turn to host, so killed two birds with one stone- or rather had to just clean up the house ONCE Winking smile

We had everyone arrive earlier though so the kids could play in the pool and we cooked burgers and hotdogs and had cupcakes.


Sonja picked lemon cake (mix) and I made a cream cheese frosting that was awesome!

Also I had bought Sofia the first cupcake papers and decorations at AC Moore last week- which by the way stuck to the background paper in the package so I had to wet the back a little and scrape it off with a knife!


We borrowed a kiddie pool for the little ones and it ended up that almost everyone liked that better than our bigger pool



A Tradition for at least the older kids, was to fire off a rocket and kids run after it and catch it when it comes back down, we got 3 C engines at AC moore last week too and Sonja pressed the button first, then one of the dads and I can’t remember who did it last, but the little ones DID NOT like it at all- well babies were oblivious, but the 2-4yr olds didn’t Sad smile



My friend Laura made Sonja a new dress



and we got her a Sofia the first dress up dress and tiara and a talking doll




Even though Sunday was her birthday, we had church in the morning and then had to set up for this week’s VBS, where I’m teaching crafts so it was a busy day.

Another week until Bjorn’s birthday and today is his first day of school!

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