So Scrappy 16 blocks

The SO Scrappy Rainbow Scrappy Challenge 2016 has started!

tiny button

I’m not doing the row along, but doing my own blocks and I’m determined to use a lot of GO! dies.

so here’s my pile of my favorites I really want to use.

Flowing snowball

Log Cabin

Snail Trail

Flying Geese

Ohio Star

Triangle in a Square

Hunter star

Winding ways

Drunkard’s path

and there may be more…

(I’ll try a bunch as testers and see what I like this month)


Here’s the flowing snowball block, it’s not that flimsy, it’s just the way it stuck to my wall. I kind of like it and it will look great in 12 different colors!


This is a drunkard’s path block (8”)

I sort of like it and like the scrappy-ness of it, so I’ll keep making some more, maybe more than one per color, we’ll see.


Here’s flying geese,(12”)

I don’t like the look of this one at all, either I’ll scrap this one or change it to have a white or black in it, or just have two geese together and make a bunch so the rainbow colors will show in a big quilt, so don’t know…


The hunter star block, it’s okay, I’ll keep the block and keep going with a monthly colored block.


Here’s my blue scrap bin and I only touched regular BLUE this far (though some light and dark and teal popped in there too) but I’ll tackle the light and darks too and leave the turqouise/ teal for another month.


And here’s my hot mess of a table (yeah, that’s the Allietaire quilt I’m almost done with- a baby quilt)

and lots more blue blocks planned and in the works!


A good start to the new year- using up old scraps!

Here’s my oldest and youngest Smile

(yeah and that’s my legs and cropped pants and wooly socks!)


14 thoughts on “So Scrappy 16 blocks”

  1. So many nice blocks. The hunter star is beautiful. I'll stick to my squares for January, and then I'll see. Maybe I'd like to do a quilt from all my blue blocks.

  2. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Beautiful blocks Bea! I missed doing the RSC15….hope to do it this year! Anya is growing!

  3. It is good to see that you have a bunch of things under way already this year.

  4. Pretty girls. You are making lots of great blocks. I made a quilt using the flowering snowball block. It was a lot work but it is one of my favorite quilts. Good luck with all your blocks.

  5. So many great blocks. I find myself collecting lots of cut bits and saving them together for someday quilts from the GO. Hopefully this year I will start sewing them! Hope you find your favorites from the bunch and end up with a quilt or two before the end. Such a great way to put all your scraps to work!

  6. You have picked some lovely blocks, some that are on my to-do list too. Love the messy sewing room. It means something is "cooking" and I like that. The last picture is my fav. Lovely children. You are blessed. ;^)

  7. The Joyful Quilter

    Those are some great block choices. Have fun with your chosen RSC projects!

  8. You have chosen so many great blocks to work on. I really drawn to the flowing snowball block but I think they all look good!

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