So many secret projects

I know my posts are kind of blah…

I have 3 secret projects I’m working on now, wait and see!

(and I DID get a quilt back from McCall’s but don’t have pics yet so maybe tomorrow I’ll show that?)

Anyways, as you know I’m still doing the pin cushion swap

Here’s March’s pin cushion from Sarah.

she sent 2! and one is a cat and mouse pin cushion Smile

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Here’s something I want to start soon too. batiks from island batiks and paper pieces from

wait and see on that too!

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I went to the dollar store yesterday and I found this CUTE owl box, just HAD to have it….. so of course that meant I had to organize a shelf for it.

I had already “stolen” the plastic drawers from my son’s room for paper pieces and buttons, now the box has zippers, cording and misc stuff.

I also sorted my ribbons and have a short dowel left over from my quilt show, most of the ribbons fits on there, some I had to tape on, but nice and neat now and I used on S hook on the side and ribbon on the other side to hold it up so I can easily take it out if I need to add more ribbon.

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Here’s the whole shelf, and YES that’s a Viking hat, my husband found it and thought I NEEDED it! ha ha

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Is this spring weather making you want to clean and organize your sewing room?

4 thoughts on “So many secret projects”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I need to clean my house before the sewing. In a 'when in doubt, throw it out' mode right now.

  2. SewMisadventurous

    You do realise that that hat needs a bow on one of it's horns? I'm per-itty sure real vikings didn't wear bows and lace but we don't always have to reach for total authenticity do we? lol

  3. Wendy Hausauer

    Do you have to use the paper pieces you got from I'd much sooner use Inklingo where you use your printer to print the pattern on the reverse side of your fabric. You'll have that project done in less than half the time it would take you to do it the other way. Love following what you do both with all your quilting and your lovely family. I can't wait to see the pictures!

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