
The kids were SO excited to get snow last week.

Mon-Wed they were off of school for MLK and teacher work days, they then went to school Thursday, and then the snow came and school was out Friday and Monday and Tuesday, then a 2hr delay on Wednesday!

We got about 1” or so total, but Friday it was sleet/ freezing rain so the roads were very slick!

My husband and son have now wiped out on the ice in our driveway when leaving in the mornings, my husband did it yesterday and hurt his knee, my son this morning and hurt his hip.


I just finished a crocheted cat hat/scarf for Solveig.

I found the pattern on pinterest



Sonja wanted me to take a picture too- so here you go Smile


saw this on FB, no idea what state it’s from.

5 thoughts on “Snowmageddon?!”

  1. Shasta Matova

    So sorry your husband and son got hurt outside, but now you all have a very good excuse to stay indoors! Your creations are lovely – the needlework and the children.

  2. te ice can be so treacherous, hope the boys are now okay. Love to look at the snow but try and keep inside! fortunately qw do not get much here. Hat/scarf/gloves a great set. What a good error on the motorway warning!

  3. SewMisadventurous

    I thought it was only in England that everyone got hysterical and the Country came to a standstill for a teeny bit of snow, 😃 I do know that other States over there have been hit hard, hope it clears up for them soon. It's also so kind of the traffic signals to warn you about the plague of reptiles about to hit you, and so precise too. 😂 Looking at Solveig in that 2nd photo, wouldn't that pattern (extended a bit) make a great Cardigan, or hoodec Gilet? With paw print pockets?

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