smart plate kaleidoscope quilting

Okay, so I’m on an EQ kick here to show you more.

the last few days I was looking at my old templates and books and found one of my favorite templates, SMART plate quilting by sharon sebrow…

I remember seing this book and tool somewhere and then found a website and had to call a quilt store in NY somewhere, when I called there it was the author that answered the phone, I was so excited!! we talked a little bit and I ordered my book and template and she even signed the pattern that came with the template!

This is not one of her layouts, just me playing in EQ but totally inspired by her

another kaleidoscope layout in pink and another below in blue

 and green

 and yellow and blue ( I made these a while ago, I really like to play with the colors!)

 here’s a different variation with sashing strips

 So here’s a copy sort of, of this CUTE layout from the “Kaleidoscope the smart way” book

 again I’m playing with the colors

 These are some fabrics from I think

 a cute nursery print

 fabrics from DID you know that you can download their fabric lines into EQ? easily I mean, they have links to the whole line on their website.

 can’t remember where this brown fabric is from

 another connecting threads fabric line

Here’s a picture of a REAL quilt I’ve made with this layout!!

I gave it to a girl from heartland hospice where i ONCE in a while donate a quilt to, anyways she was my trainer and she then became pregnant with a girl, so I made this quilt for her.

There were two girls/ ladies that I work with at hospice and now the second one is pregnant too!!

well….. can’t say anymore

this is a frog quilt I made with the same layout.

the frog fabric I actually scanned and printed out a large frog and hand appliqued a frog in the corner, trapunto style sort of- don’t think I added more batting under it, just didn’t quilt over it.

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