Sister swap package

I got my sister swap package!


I always squeal in excitement when I get a squishy package in the mail Smile

and look how pretty it was all wrapped up!

It was from Julianne


A small quilt with my name on it and strings coming out from the side- that was a mystery to me until she emailed me back…. ha

a washcloth, OWL fabric and note cards and a lollipop.


I have no idea HOW she figured out I like owls!?? ha ha do you? now WHAT am I going to make with this?


so I thought the quilt was a seat backing thingy, but she emailed me back that it’s a sewing machine cover to prevent from dusting. well…..

my machine is on every day, so it wouldn’t need the dust cover. ha ha but I do have a back up machine I can use it for that one Smile with tongue out


The gifts are all lovely, THANKS!

4 thoughts on “Sister swap package”

  1. Very nice. And I will fess up…I might have helped her with the "love owls" part though if anyone reads your blog they quickly figure that one out themselves. Enjoy the goodies!

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