Sign up for Old Book blog hop?

Dust off a quilt book blog hop

I’ve had this idea for a blog hop in the new year and finally sat down and made a picture for it Winking smile

Who wants to join this blog hop???

I’m sure I’m not the only one who “collects” quilt books and maybe there’s one or two that you haven’t even touched? or only made one thing and then left the book alone?

They may not be as old at the picture but….. they are still collecting dust!

So my idea for the blog hop is to dust off one of the books and make something from the book!!

How you interpret that, is up to you? want to make a complete project in there, that’s great. want to make a block and turn it into potholders or something small, that’s fine too.

The hop will be from Feb 18-22.

yeah, I know it’s far away, but I’m already participating in two hops in January, so I figured I’d get this post out before our calendars fill up too much Smile

Comment or email me if you want to join

I need your email address and blog address.

and if there’s a day that you prefer or can’t do….

Come join the fun!!

33 thoughts on “Sign up for Old Book blog hop?”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    Sounds like my old Let's Book It – and I have some I want to revisit next year. I'm interested and any date is good.

  2. Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity

    Sounds like a fun idea, I would love to join you !

  3. Jennifer Schifano Thomas

    I'll do it if you have room! Sounds like fun. The hard part will be picking a book!

  4. Steph Jacobson

    I would love to join if you still need participants. I love quilting books but rarely seem to actually make anything from them! I can take any day. stephjacobsondesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. Now just where did I put those face masks. There's a lot of dust on them ole books! LOL!! Count me in.

  6. I definitely am interested, so please put me on the list. No problem with the dates kathleenquilts @

  7. I’m interested. I could open a quilters library with all my books! I’ll try to find my oldest, probably from 1970s.

  8. Me, too. Any date, and I'll have to pick a book. I have quite a few. Maryellen mary mack made mine gmail

  9. What a great idea! I would love to join..Jotting it down on my big green Joann calender now. Any day is good.

  10. Brenda @ Songbird Designs

    Bea, I would love to participate! Sounds like a lot of fun – and dusting!! I have SO many books!!

  11. This looks like fun. I have many quilt books collecting dust that need a little loving. I would like to participate … 🙂 Pat

  12. I'm sure I can find at least one book and one project. Day doesn't matter.DesertSky Quiltingdezertsuz at gmail dot com

  13. If there is room I would like to take part.crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT comwww.bookshookssticksetc.blogspot.comNow I just need to figure out which book I want to use!Thank you for the opportunity.

  14. I need to jump in on this Hop! The only book I have made anything from is Tula Pinks 100 Blocks. I have been thinking about getting serious about using my books since I just moved all thousand or so upstairs to my sewing loft. (Just kidding, it's less than 1000!)So, I'm in, it's on my calendar!!!Thanks for the boot to get started!

  15. If you still have openings I'm in. I know I have unopened boxes of books in my garage from my move several years ago. Should be interesting. My tastes have changed over this time will be fun going back a bit.

  16. Craft Traditions

    I love this idea! My quilt book collection needs to be dusted off 🙂 craftraditions @

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