Sewing totally awesome Totebags

Yesterday I had 4 ladies from church come over and sew totebags

(Pattern is here)

Remember I showed my sample last week!

(and everyone had the option of doing a small or a large tote, but they all picked the BIG one)

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Here they are, hard at work, ironing and cutting fabrics

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And another baby visiting too Smile

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Sewing, sewing away!

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We had some machine problems (but I “think” I fixed it- the shuttle was loose inside)

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and some USER error problems too Winking smile

So Jack the ripper had to be used.

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Marta did some fussy cutting on her tote pocket- love her fabrics!

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We started around 10ish and finished after 5, after hubby brought some pizza after work!

First tote got done. LOVE it!

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Marta modeling hers

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Laura S modeling hers

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Sonja modeling “hers” too

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Tinker’s bag too, she used webbing for the handles.

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and lastly Laura M modeling her bag too, she says her girls are going to steal the bag because she picked butterfly fabrics Smile

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It was a fun day!

I’ll have to do something like this again.

5 thoughts on “Sewing totally awesome Totebags”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    Looks like everyone had a good time as well as completed a lovely bag.

  2. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Now that looks like fun!! Wish I lived closer and could join you, I never realized just how BIG your room is!!

  3. Look at all the cute bags. Looks like folks were have a great time.Thanks for sharing!

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