September in review

Here’s things I’ve finished in September

(well didn’t one I didn’t finish this month but could SHOW this month)

Colorful geese!


two purse pincushions


and the GO QUBE runner

accuquilt fall runner

I also finished the art with fabric project but can’t show that yet.

Another update on my son.

We’ve been to 5 different places since Wednesday! the OMFS Wednesday, then regular dentist Thursday morning who said to go to Orthodontist AND endodontics. The Ortho, we went to at noon time and they put metal braces on his front teeth and already something has shifted closer to the right spots. Then to the Endodontics who first wanted to get his invisalign trays and manually move his teeth, between us going to get the trays and back she had talked to ortho and they said NO, to keep everything going slowly! she did have to do a root canal on his bottom chipped tooth, but it had an infection so we have to go back in two weeks and do it, of course I paid out of pocket for that! Today we saw the ENT doctor and he is so sweet and nice and said everything is looking great, I brought two quilts for him and a female resident he had help at the surgery and we saw her post-op at the hospital several times. Sunday we need to get started on an accident report with the police! and then we’ll figure out who’s insurance we go after, this insurance stuff is a HUGE mess.

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