Secondary play with Island Batik

Island Batik qube muted baby quilt

This month’s challenge was “secondary play”

Of course I often think Accuquilt QUBE sets!

and this challenge had to be 36” x 36” or bigger, well I have a 9” QUBE so a 4×4 grid would be perfect!

I first sketched this out in EQ and in other colors at first, but after looking at the yardage, once required 1 yd I think and another over 3/4yd , and because we’re near the end of this Island Batik box I had to search for a piece of batik that was big enough and found this beige “neutral” then after that was the white I think or maybe it was the brown, which then started to look very neutral and beige but I kind of liked it! so I added this green too! Then put those into EQ to see what it would look like!

batik secondary

Here’s the fabrics

1yd Cream

3/4yd brown

1/2yd white

and 1/4yd green


Then I cut strips and got out my 9” QUBE and companion sets

I used shapes #2, #3, #5 and #16 (from the companion set)

In Cream I cut out (3) 5 3/4” WOF strips and cut out (32) of shape #3 triangles

Then also in cream I cut out (5-6) 2 1/2” WOF strips and cut out (32) trapezoid shapes of shape #16

In Brown I also cut (5-6) 2 1/2” WOF strips and used die #16 to cut out (32) trapezoids

And also in brown I cut (3) 3 1/4” WOF strips and cut out (64) #5 triangles

Then in White I cut (3) 3 1/4” WOF strips and cut out (32) of #2 squares and also in white I cut (2) more 3 1/4” strips and used leftover strips and cut out (32) of #5 triangles

Lastly in green I cut (2) 3 1/4” WOF strips and cut out (32) of #5 triangles


Then I started sewing as much together as possible in one sitting, the #5 triangles to the trapezoids and triangles to the #2 squares


and added triangles to the other side too, always ironing the seams open!


Then adding the large triangles and trapezoid units together like this


and sew them into blocks like this


and here’s the top done!


I had enough of the beige to both make binding and backing out of it!

Island Batik qube muted baby quilt

I just quilted pointy swirls all over it in a beige thread color, took no time at all

Island Batik qube muted baby quilt

A fun way to get a secondary pattern from two pretty basic blocks! and it got me out of my comfort zone to make a quilt in neutrals/beige colors!

7 thoughts on “Secondary play with Island Batik”

  1. I love it unfortunately I have to put into my todo bucket behind other hopeful projects. I have the 8 cube. Can I it be done with that one?Love your designs , help and challenges.

  2. Nicely done, Bea; I love the pattern that emerged when the blocks were set together!

  3. It looks good. Sometimes doing something different than you're used to can be a catalyst for other experiences.

  4. What a lovely quilt! I am impressed with your speed on this one! Hope to be working on mine by the weekend. It is hard, sometime, using those colors we aren’t in love with. You did a fabulous job with them.

  5. Great use of your fabrics! I love the secondary pattern. I had to trace out the original blocks to find them. Well done!

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