Scrappy Chain QAL and linky progress

scrappy chains

Are you working on your blocks??

I told you last week that I was almost done with the blocks.

Here are mine, somehow I ended up with 2 extras, maybe I’ll just look at this picture and remove the two that don’t show up that well, I already know one block that’s almost smack in the middle with teal corners, I don’t like that block at all!

the either the first one in the 3rd row, or the 3rd in the 5th row- it actually has easter eggs on it…. not that I have both easter, christmas, Y2K fabrics in there Smile


Now I’m working on the border strips- still need to cut the inner border and corner squares for the border- may keep those the same fabric.

scrappy chains2a

If you have some pictures to show, please link up!

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