Scrappy blue GO QST quilt

I’ve had SEW much fun with my new GO! BIG!!

So I was on a “mission” to empty out my BLUE scrap bin.

(and DID succeed! –for a week at least, now there’s scraps in there again)

I used the 6” QST die

Since I had cut out the 1100 HST triangles, whatever was left in my scrap bin were too skinny for the HST die, so then I sewed a bunch of strips together and made long strips like this to fit the die


and laid them on the die and cut them out, it was fun to see how it would turn out.


at most I laid out two layers of sewn strips since the seam allowance counts as 2 extra layers, so some spots it WAS 6 layers, the machine worked like a charm!


Now since this was scraps I didn’t care that some strips were too long, I just cut away and yeah, it did fill up my garbage bin with more scraps, but I did use a lot of scraps, so it was okay.


After I cut them out, I found that I had 16 sets of 4, so a perfect 4 x 4 layout!


I sewed the blocks together ironed the seams open


16 FUN blocks!


Here’s the quilt top done, I just added 2” white strips for sashing and 3” for the border. so finished it was 33”


and the quilt all done!


I did a swirly design where I followed the lines of the swirl a few times before adding another swirl


on the back I used yardage- this fun penguin fabric that I was tired of looking at!

(and of course some left over scraps went in my BLUE scrap bin!)


It was a fun quilt to make and it felt good to use up all these blue scraps.

I’m not “loving” it, but I often feel like that about scrappy quilts, but it’s okay and I might give it to my guild to give to a child in the hospital (they are connected to UNC so might be fitting since I had a lot of UNC scraps in there)

(I actually did another blue scrappy quilt too but keeping it a secret for now)

11 thoughts on “Scrappy blue GO QST quilt”

  1. I really like the way the blocks turned out and yeah to you for using us scraps. Doesn't that feel great. I think donating it is the perfect idea.

  2. Annette Schultz

    what a great way to use up some of those scraps. Have you ever noticed that even though you have made a quilt or two they never seam to go down ;0)in stitches

  3. A great use of scraps, and it always feels great to use them up! I do't have a GO but it's still fun to see what you come up with 🙂

  4. I don't have a GO, Bea, but if you keep up this energetic and fun creativity, you just may inspire me to get one!

  5. Very sweet quilt! A child will love this one. Thank you for donating this beauty.

  6. Such a cute quilt. I love the technique. Makes me think I "NEED" a fabric cutting machine. My budget is not necessarily in agreement with my wants.

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