School is out- actually Wednesday was the last day

Wednesday June 10th was the last day of school for the kiddos.

We went to end of year ceremonies at both schools – took about 3.5hrs total…. sigh

I really don’t look forward to these events, most of the awards are kind of bogus awards for silly things.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY proud of my kids and they have done VERY well.

And I know some of them makes the kids feel good about themselves, but in 4th grade and now 7th grade…..?? they don’t need THAT many awards.

Academics is one thing, but in 4th grade they got karate belts for each new song they learned, so EACH kid got a certificate, ranging from white belt to black belt.  I can see maybe honoring the black belt kids. But they can’t leave out anyone I guess.

Yet you don’t see the P.E teacher give out awards for the fastest runner or who can do the most push ups, because they would only be ONE person and THAT would be so unfair, right?

When I was in school it wasn’t like that at all, maybe that’s just Denmark, but I think it’s just the world today.

Makes me think of this “The incredibles clip”

Bjorn at middle school

2015-06-10 026

Sonja had enough during the first ceremony.

2015-06-10 019

Solveig at the Elementary school

2015-06-10 034

2 thoughts on “School is out- actually Wednesday was the last day”

  1. I agree with you on the award thing. I think it has gotten out of hand and teaches kids unreal expectations about life. We still laugh about the trophy our son got for playing kick and chase his kindergarten year. They didn't win one game but they all got a trophy which I don't think even one of the kids cared about. They just had fun which is the way it should be.

  2. It didn't use to be this way and I went to school in a little town in upstate NY. At the end of school we had some kind of day where the P.E. Teachers organized events. Ex. 3 legged race, relay race, carrying egg on spoon, etc. there was only one winner. I went to a swim meet a few years ago and every single child who swam in the race got a ribbon. There were only 8 lanes in the pool so each race was done three times and then every child – yep, all 24 got ribbons. The ribbons had "23rd" place or "18th" place. There was a room full of parent volunteers doing all the ribbons. As long as your kids understand what is important, they'll be fine and not swayed by all the hoopla over coming in last. If the child did his/her best, then that's great.

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