Road Home Row Along

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Marian of Seams To Be Sew and Amy of Sew Incredibly Crazy are hosting this event.

There has been some great rows so far!

September 6
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Kissed Quilts
Renee’s Quilting Addiction
September 8
Sew Incredibly Crazy
Patchouli Moon Studio
Seacoast Quilter
3 Patch Crafts
September 13
Tweety Loves Quilting
Seams To Be Sew
Pine Valley
September 15
bdieges design
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Cloth and Paper Studio
Patti’s Patchwork
Quilt in Piece
September 20
Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design
Seams To Be Sew
Rebecca Mae Designs
September 22
Words & Stitches
Quilt Art
Any Pattern
Septmber 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Moosestash Quilting
Patchwork Breeze
Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt

September 29
Quilted Fabric Art
Westend Quilter
Pamela Quilts
October 4
Just Let Me Quilt
Linda Robertus
Elm Street Quilts
Sarah Quinn Featured At Seams To Be Sew
October 6
Cheryl LaPlant Featured At Quilt In Piece
Miss Loreen’s Schoolhouse
Bumbleberry Stitches
Needle in a Hayes Stack
Show N Tell Day
October 11
All Things Sewn
Seams To Be Sew
Quilt in Piece
Just Let Me Quilt
Cloth and Paper Studio
Moosestash Quilting

I was thinking about what’s HOME to me when I signed up.

Is it NC where we currently live, was in FL where we used to live, but I always go back to saying I’m Danish from Denmark!!

I’m a proud DANE!

I first want to write a little note about why I picked Denmark and the blocks.

First, I was born and raised in Denmark and moved to the US when I was 18 to go to college and I’ve been here for almost 20 years now. Even though I’m very American, I still am proud of my roots and I’m still 100% Danish!

(I was highly encouraged to show some pics from home of me- so I dug out my old scrapbooks and took some pics)

This one is me in my grandmother’s patio chair I believe


sigh, look at that outfit and the walker!! lol


stylish red overalls and plaid short.


a picture from Legoland!


I loved to draw!


The blocks: The first block is Dannebrog- the name of our Flag which is supposedly the oldest flag in the world (google it!) It’s easy to see or guess how many of the European flags at least derived from such a simple “cross” flag.

The 2nd Block is a swan, which is our national bird, especially the one that has a black kind of bump over the yellow/orange beak!

The 3rd block is a lego! Legos are 100% Danish! Lego is a combination of the words LEG GODT which mean play well. I lived close to Legoland when I grew up and went there often, My grandfather actually went to school with either the founder or his son (I can’t remember now) Did you know there are more lego people in the world than real people!?

The 4th block is a stack of books and I wrote on there H.C. A which is Hans Christian Andersen, the famous fairy tale author!

I got most of these blocks from EQ7’s library or made them myself or modified them. This way you can change them or use them for other projects if you like too!

The flag is 7” x 12” and the rest are 11” x 12”

bea dk3

And here’s my row!

(Yeah, don’t mind that the swan is swimming around in something black!)

I machine embroidered the H.C. A on the book before I sewed it together.

Here’s the free file


I had planned on making it into a runner or quilt but then wanted to wait and see what other rows would look like, maybe add some more!?

There’s some great giveaways too!

Anita Goodesign Machine Embroidery Design CD


AnitaG-Fancy Fans Back-smallAnitaG-Fancy Fans Front-small

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Calibre Art Cutting Mat – 18×24


a Rafflecopter giveaway

80 thoughts on “Road Home Row Along”

  1. Such a lovely post, really enjoyed seeing your childhood pictures. I actually believe that about the Lego people.. 🙂 and who wouldn't, what child hasn't been lucky enough to play with Legos, they are fun fun and more fun. Your row depicts Denmark beautifully and of course it's always nice when you join in for the fun, I am so happily you came along again for the rowing along..

  2. I am currently in NC as well. Love this state. Not my home either. Your block is wonderful

  3. I love your row. My great grandparents are from Denmark and we have been several times. What a lovely country. Thanks for sharing your row!

  4. I'm glad you showed your childhood photos…so cute! I remember those round walkers and had them for my kids. Yes, I'm old enough to be your mom. LOL I love your row and how it signifies your Danish roots.

  5. Carol- Beads and Birds

    I like that you chose your homeland to depict on your row. I was born in Chicago and raised in a small town in Indiana then moved to another small Indiana town. Chicago is where my roots are. My hometown is that small lake town. I think I would make a row showing both Chicago and the town where I grew up. Love your childhood pictures.xx, Carol

  6. Joyce Carter

    Loved your row Bea! Wow! What amazing info you shared. I really learned a few things today. Thank you for sharing your row and all the other things.

  7. Lori Smanski

    what a fun way to remember memories. your row is great.thanks for shairing

  8. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Your row is so neat Bea and I really enjoyed seeing all the photos of you as a child! I love Aurifil thread also!

  9. Janice Holton

    I think I left my comment on the wrong place, but I meant to tell you I love that in you incorporated legos in your block. Good memories from my own childhood and my kids loved them too!

  10. QuiltShopGal

    Great post. Love your ROW and pictures of you when you were little. Thanks for

  11. Thanks for sharing those pictures. You were adorable as a child, but my favorite is the drawing one at the end. Thank you for sharing your love of Denmark, and these lovely designs. dezertsuz at gmail

  12. Lego's were my boys favorite things when they were growing up. They used to have sleepovers and build with all their friends. It kept them entertained for days on end. Love your row and seeing your baby photos.

  13. Sarah@123quilt

    I had no idea that Legos were Danish! I guess you really do learn something new every day. I love that you chose to feature where you came from rather than where you currently live. Great job!

  14. I like that your row is quite simple to sew up. I especially enjoyed learning a bit about you and see your photos.

  15. What cute baby pictures! Thank you for sharing you all your time and creativity with us. I love your row!

  16. Great block! Legos rule. (except when you have to pick them up out of the carpeting. lol)

  17. How lovely, beautiful photos — Love your row, this blog hop makes me want to travel more! 🙂

  18. I am glad that your row reflects your birthplace. I have moved many times and enjoyed living in new places, but I still miss where I grew up. That place will forever be home.

  19. Seacoast Quilter

    Thanks for sharing your row. That's really funny about the Lego people!

  20. DebraKay Neiman

    What a nice tribute to Denmark. I love your row. crystalbluern at tds dot net

  21. Love all the references. My mother's ancestors were almost all Danish immigrants, so I grew up knowing about some Danish traditions and symbols. Very fun!reillyr2(at)hotmail(dot)com

  22. How adorable, I knew what HCA was before reading! One of my favorites growing up. Lovely Row

  23. Didn't know Legos were created in Denmark. My grandsons spend hours on end playing with them. Nice row, thanks for sharing.

  24. Your row is lovely and it is interesting to learn about your home and fun to see the old photos! Thanks for sharing.

  25. Bea, I had no idea you were from Denmark. susch a lovely country, you must miss it. Delightful childhood pics, thanks (and great row!)

  26. Lynne Stucke

    I love the fact that each section of your block has a special meaning! (And, who knew there were so many Lego people in the world???) [lynnstck(at)]

  27. I really like your row and all the information it contains. It was very interesting to see pictures of you in Denmark and read a little of your story. Do you ever got back to Denmark to visit?

  28. I love the images in your quilt and the meaning behind them. Thanks for sharing the stories!

  29. Such an amazing row!! I didn't know about the Legos!! I've always loved playing with them more than playing with dolls 🙂 thanks for the info and for a creative row!!!

  30. Interesting history behind your row. Just pretend the swan is swimming at night. 🙂

  31. Goodness, I never realized that Legos were actually Danish. I love learning new facts; thanks. I know that you are a wonderful immigrant to the USA; welcome, even if it's been years! Loved that bonnet you were wearing as a baby; I wish bonnets were still 'in vogue' – so cute. Thank you for the row pattern; I will enjoy it.

  32. Wow, I learned some news things today–about the flag, Legos, and that great swan! Love EQ7, so many possibilities.

  33. Wonderful post, Bea! So fun to learn more about Denmark – your childhood pictures are adorable! Love the blocks. My great-great Grandfather Liljenquist lived in Denmark. Someday I'd like to go there to visit!

  34. Cindy Dahlgren

    Loving your row and all the memories behind it! Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com

  35. Cindy Dahlgren

    Loving your row and all the memories behind it! Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com

  36. It was fun to see your childhood photos! And I really like the use of color in your row. Thanks for sharing.

  37. your row is beautiful but your baby pics are more beautiful. Fun! You look the same as your drawing picture!LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  38. Unique pattern with the play on Legos! Much easier to step on that quilt rather than those sharp toys, lol.

  39. No wonder your kids are so cute. I can see where it comes from. I love your row, especially the swan.

  40. Krystal Soyalp

    Thank you for your adorable row! I love the legos. And thank you for sharing your pictures.

  41. Jodi - usairdoll

    What an awesome row! So much detail. I still have my son's Legos and now his son plays with them as well as lots of his own. Thanks for sharing your row, great job!Thanks for a chance to win.usairdoll(at)gmail(dot)com

  42. Awe–a full-blooded Dane. How lucky for you! I don't have as much in me. My great grandmother was however, she was g'ma to us but Christina Josephina Wilhelmina to others. I love your row! It will be in my quilt for sure!

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